1800C2-PoweringTheHeroHardVersion.cpp 1800D-RemoveTwoLetters.cpp 1802A-Likes.cpp 1802B-SettlementOfGuineaPigs.cpp 1804A-LameKing.cpp 1804B-Vaccination.cpp 1805A-WeNeedZero.cpp 1805B-TheStringHasATarget.cpp 1806A-WalkingMaster.cpp 1806B-MexMaster.cpp 1806B-MexMaster_MAX.cpp 1807A-PlusOrMinus...
Can a newcomer who has never participated in any type of contests (especially IMO and IOI) do very well in CP without a coach (by learning from whatever available on the internet without mentoring). For me, it sounds very challenging, and I believe if I got a mentor for the past four ...
While reading the rules I thought I am reading some codeforces A problem statement and I need to answer the final rating of a newly registered account. → Reply r5shivamchaudhary 5 years ago, # ^ | 0 And 251 is the answer → Reply techno_phyle 5 years ago, # | +23 What...
CodeForces - 1000E We Need More Bosses(tarjan缩点、树上直径) CF1000E We Need More Bosses 题目大意: n点m边无向图,找到两个点s、t,使得s到t必须经过的边最多,求最多的必须经过边数。 思路: 题目关键在于对“必须经过的边”的理解,拿样例1来说 Copy 55512|23231/ \413---152|4 在同一个双连通...
无向图缩点的话 在dfs的时候禁止访问父节点就好了,其他与有向图缩点一样。 然后就是求树的直径。 画图想想就理解了,从“必经之路”入手,想到环是造成非必经之路的原因。我们缩完点后得到无环连通图,即一棵树,树上每两个点之间有一条唯一的路径,路径上每条边都是必经之路。
Your task is to check whether all possible strings of lengthnnnthat can be formed using the firstkkklowercase English alphabets occur as a subsequence ofsss. If the answer isNO, you also need to print a string of lengthnnnthat can be formed using the firstkkklowercase English alphabets which...
CodeForces - 1000E :We Need More Bosses(无向图缩点+树的直径),Yourfriendisdevelopingacomputergame.Hehasalreadydecidedhowthegameworldshouldlooklike—itshouldconsistof nn locationsconnectedby
We Need More Bosses CodeForces - 1000E(缩点 建图 求桥 求直径),题意:就是求桥最多的一条路解析:先求连通分量的个数然后缩点建图求直径即可
// If ti = 1, then as a reply to the query we need to paint a blue node vi in red. // If ti = 2, then we should reply to the query by printing the shortest distance from some red node to node vi. // // It is guaranteed that the given graph is a tree and ...
If they were all added, it could be automated and then there wouldn't really be any need for the long time that Pending system testing takes, right? → Reply I_love_tigersugar 10 years ago, # ^ | +11 I think almost successful hacking tests aren't added to the system tests, as...