Tags: crayon, Fear, Kindergarten, Masterpiece, The Letter D, Writers Bloc Heartbeat •October 17, 2010 • Leave a Comment Sometimes it seems my clothes still wear you Sometimes I dream my bed still shares you Sometimes I feel much smaller than I am Like I could comfortably fit in ...
Across the street from us is a little brick path that leads tot eh neighborhood gan, the kindergarten. Parents park on the street next to our house when they are dropping and picking up their little kids. I had to give something to our neighbor, and walking back home, there was a car ...
As I thought about what to say today, I realized that while some of you have had the privilege of watching Levi grow into the remarkable young man he is, others are just beginning to get to know him. So, I thought I’d take a moment to share a bit more about Levi and the journey...
This exact situation came about when I was in my early 30s and was assisting at my daughter’s kindergarten on the day a clown performed for the class. It was a special event for the kids, and once my tears began, I felt dread at the thought that the children might notice, and so ...
That first fall was a gift. Once covered in mud I no longer took care to avoid it. And having fallen once, I was over the shock of it – the next 14 falls (that’s not an exaggeration) were simply part of the deal. Remember when Ramona was in kindergarten (Miss Binney’s class)...
Rippee, who works inside the General Services Administration (GSA), described the unaccompanied minors as being treated like “commodities… like potato chips on a truck.” The contract, which she highlights as an enormous “big money business,” involves moving children, often separated from their...