HOME MUSIC VIDEO SERMON HYMNS PROMOTE Motivation and Inspiration USA For Africa – We Are The World (Mp3 & Lyrics) Motivation and Inspiration USA For Africa – We Are The World (Mp3 & Lyrics) By King David Nkem - August 13, 2024
No where in the lyrics where the word FISH appears...it is only when Cheer link the FISH theme in context to the story where i got her idea. Color of the song: GREY/SUBDUE Orange Mood of the song: Dark, 無奈 When I first heard the song, i thought it's about hope...but on de...
Made all these different bits up, not thinking in terms of verse, chorus, bridge or what was going to go where, just coming up with all these sections of chanting, rapping and singing, which we recorded all higgledy-piggledy. And then we just sewed it together. It ...
1.You Break It, We Fix It 2.Smile While You Work 3.I'm A Hammer 4.Kelly's Hardware Store 5.Made To Measure 6.Hi Manny 7.Viva Saturday 8.Rusty The Wrench 9.Amigos Forever ——— 分享351 三体吧 酱油12148 【20170310 轉帖轉載】觉得自己比别人更高尚?你不是一个人本文来自“环球科学Scien...