which have become gradually illegible beneath the rain and the dust, and which are, to-day, probably effaced:Il dort. Quoique le sort fut pour lui bien etrange, Il vivait. Il mourut quand il n'eut plus son ange. La chose simplement d'elle-meme arriva, Comme la nuit se fait lorsqu...
Grizzly:Cutest video ever. #Righteous, #holla. #Pandasingle. #Icebearforpresident. It's public. All right. Step back. Let it breathe, guys. I got to refresh! Nothing. That's cool, that's cool. I mean, it's only been a minute, right? Yeah, you guys can go. I'm just gonna h...
The group’s ability to laugh at themselves has also led to a flood of memes on social media, and given them the title of “meme kings”. The members confirm that they do watch the videos when they’re together. “We laugh at each other, we laugh with each other. There’s some stu...
‘We live in a permanent state of disbelief, astonishment, and euphoria, induced by everything we see online. Every given minute, there’s a genius teenager in their bedroom producing the most amazing thing: an image, a joke, a video, a meme. Memes are the unconscious of the Internet, ...
oh, and here’s the meme about going away that was so funny to Ghassan Assali in November. I guess he kind of changed his mind since then, because these are his groups today: Rate this: Neo-fascist “Blitz”, where those bursting in end up running away with their tails between thei...
17. Memetryouts.(模仿选拔) 18. Theygot nothing onus.(比不上) 19. Well, that looks like aunanimousno.(adj. 全体一致的;美[juˈnænɪməs]) 20. Just like werehearsed.(排练,美[rɪˈhɜːrs])(就当是排练...
As his mugshot quickly became meme-ified, so did his reported exchange with the police officer. According to a source for Page Six: The cop didn’t know who he was at first… Justin said under his breath, “This is going to ruin the tour.” The cop replied, “What tour?” Justin ...
9.Meme– This was this past three-day weekend. I know, I know….everyone says I’ll miss the days of driving my kids around. And I know we’re at the end of it soon, when my son turns 16 this summer. However, it still stinks that our plans (over a 3-day weekend!) revolve ...
Once beloved boy-bander Justin Timberlake only saw his fall from grace cemented in 2024, after he was arrested for driving while intoxicated. As his mugshot quickly becamememe-ified, so did his reported exchange with the police officer. Accordingto a sourceforPage Six: ...
Think twice before adding a meme or GIF after every message. They're useful, but you lessen their impact with overuse. 再三思考是不是每一句话后面都非得附加一个动图或是表情包。它们是有用,但是用多了却也累赘,失去了它们的影响力。 D...