aThere are many subjects such as parents and friends in this book.The book says we should forgive and remember and stop being angry. The book tells us some useful skills such as how to put what you have learned into pictures of your mind to make your memory better. 有许多主题例如父母和...
“In Aramaic, the word ‘meek’ could mean humble, poor, subservient, lacking self-respect, or self-effacing. None of these are the meaning I intended in using the word. My meaning was ‘moderation, equilibrium, balance’. In balance there is wholeness, fulfillment, and blessing. There is ...
Hellstorm – The Real Genocide Of ‘Nazi’ Germany 1 Reply The Biggest Cover-Up In History This documentary tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know.
Climate change deniers have often employed something like this as one of their, perhaps unconscious, excuses. Something that we can’t see because we don’t want to is the equivalent of a child covering their ears and saying “I can’t hear you; I can’t hear you.” If they can no ...
Hellstorm – The Real Genocide Of ‘Nazi’ Germany 1 Reply The Biggest Cover-Up In History This documentary tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know.
Today I found out about the meaning of the word “gesundheit” and other sneeze etiquette around the world. You are probably accustomed to hearing or saying “bless you” after someone sneezes. It’s simple sneeze etiquette, at least in English speaking countries. In Germany, it’s polite ...
it not only wipes away the dark shadow lingering in your heart, but it also lets you see the true meaning of life. Since we were given life, we should all live happily, and how can one be happy if they are angry with the people around them? Besides, if I myself purpose...
Forgive them anyway. If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway. If you are sussessful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies. Succeed anyway. If you are homest and frank, people may cheat you. Be hon 人们是经常不合情理的,不...
Before our eyes, the prime minister of Slovakia bows before the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and promises to come to Moscow on May the 9th this year for another celebration of the Soviet victory over Nazi Germany – and this at a time when Russia is killing innocen...
On the day of the World Cup football final in London in 1966, we were very excited because England were playing West Germany in the final. When we were having lunch, my mother told us to go to the post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she didn't tell us why...