If there's a way for us to detect that we got exclusive ownership when we requested shared, we could unlock and try again. That would presumably involve inspectingSRWLOCK's representation (a major maintenance/future-compatibility burden), and would have major performance impacts. ...
An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full. An Unable to write data to the transport connectionestablished connection was aborted by the software in your host machine An unhandled exception occurred during the execu...
So, I started looking for changes in projects which could be done in Rust. Not building a whole project but just components of a project where Rust had a clear benefit. In the end, the key projects that formed this were: A device server in Rust – We needed to use some C++ APIs any...
i18n// Load translation using http -> see /public/locales.// We will serve our locales directory as a static asset.use(HttpBackend)// Detect user language.use(LanguageDetector)// Pass the i18n instance to react-i18next..use(initReactI18next)// Initialize i18next.init({// The lng and fa...
Most people have never read a scientific paper in their lives, but they’re out there saying, “You should do this.” It’s not often their fault. Unlike Andrew and I who have access to the world’s libraries of information through our universities, what regular person has that? It’s...
The file mysql.h is not part of the standard Visual C++ distribution. Therefore you will need to take some action to make that file available. This will probably include something along the lines of:Download and install a mysql C++ package. Make sure that the Visual C++ compiler knows how...
Could you please tell: which dlls the MKL function - mkl_dft_compute_forward? (DftiComputeForward) actually depends on? which dlls the MKL function - mkl_serv_vml_cpu_detect actually depends on? which dlls the MKL function - mkl_serv_load_vml actually depends on? If automatically link h...
For everyone who hates caching, this is the section for you! Yes, I’m totally playing both sides. Given the above and how drastic the wins are, whywouldn’twe cache something? Well, becauseevery single decision has trade-offs. Every. Single. One. It could be as simple as time spent ...
This economic interest, the technological development and the growing miniaturization of onboard sensors, as well as the development of new algorithms and software have been recent pushes for the conception of new applications that will further boost the use of UAVs. The initial UAV surveying ...
My aim is to clearly lay out the progress that has been made in understanding human ribosome biogenesis and highlight where more clarity could be useful. These discoveries and their molecular mechanisms might have profound implications for drug design and targeted therapies in the future for ri...