3.text2-W-offandonoffandon(onandoff)断断续续,间歇,有时inanintermittentmannere.g.I’vehadtoothacheonandoffforacoupleofmonths.cf.onandonPractice:1) 他昨晚时睡时醒。2) 我计算机发出连续不停嗡嗡声。Mycomputermakesalowbuzzingnoiseonandon.Hesleptoffandonlastnight.TranslatethefollowingsentencesintoEnglish...
While a lot of interesting stuff can come out of more left-field bands dabbling in pop, we also fetishize it, crowding out true experimentation. At least this reviewer did. Then a band comes along like Strawberry Hands that makes you think again about why you listen to music in the ...
The biologist Robert Sapolsky is a hard determinist. He argues that there is no such thing as free will—that there cannot possibly be. While this may be an unappealing idea to most people, it is in many ways the logical and seemingly most consistent conclusion from a scientific pers...
Michaels is the Commissioner by now and explains that only he can make the referees, so out Vince goes. This is a great back and forth match including them brawling into the crowd. Austin finally scores the pin (counted by the returning Mankind) after the Stunner ...
noise, we devise an analytic matrix Gaussian~mechanism (aMGM) by drawing possibly non-i.i.d. noise from a matrix Gaussian distribution. We then investigate perturbing outputs from different hidden (sub-)layers of LMs with aMGM noises. Its utility on three typical tasks almost hits the non-...