Aren't "everything starts with one and comes around again," "seven generations living together," and "wealth flowing across the four seas" all pleasing to the ears? Although that's easy enough for us to say, there are still plenty of people who play the lotteries or play the ponies, r...
Yes, people are free to do all sorts of stupid things and to believe all sorts of stupid things. That’s why we have a virus killing people. Sure, I believe there are demonic things happening in the world, but I don’t throw the common sense God gave me out the window. You may ...
as in lotteries, governments are often paying a large portion of those workers salaries, but lottery workers produce absolutely nothing which society values, while artists produce art, which is highly valued.
So fast forward to today, four years later. LeBron James is returning home. He returns to a young roster full of incredible potential. I think more potential than Miami had 4 years ago. While the Heat were winning two championships in four years, the Cavs were winning three lotteries in ...