"We Are the World"is a charity single originally recorded by the supergroupUSA for Africain 1985. It was written byMichael Jackson and Lionel Richieand produced by Quincy Jones and Michael Omartian for the album We Are the World. With sales in ex...
We Are The World 音乐: Various Artists - The Greatest Michael Jackson Karaoke Album Ever! We Are The WorldVarious Artists There is a time when we should heed a certain call 我们需要时常听知某些召唤 Cause the world it se...
歌曲:We Are The World 歌手:U.S.A. for Africa 链接:https://music.apple.com/cn/album/we-are-the-world/41737866?i=41737859 音乐、封面仅作分享如有侵权告知会立即删除 展开更多发现《We Are the World》 音乐分享官 音乐 音乐综合 音乐推荐 音乐 小众 歌曲 流行音乐 日推 音乐安利...
"We Are The World" history's most famous charity song. Naoji Huang Africa in 1985, tens of thousands of children's lives are threatened. Mike Jackson called the most famous of 45 singers, published jointly create "We Are The World" album, was a global hot songs, and successful fund-...
《We Are The World》仍是迄今为止全球影响最大的合唱歌曲,这首单曲当年同时在全世界五大洲各个国家的排行榜上都是冠军,首批80万张唱片于1985年3月7日上架后不到一周卖断,最终在美国销售了750万张,一共为非洲募集了6300万美元。。。We Are The World的曲目列表 We Are The World (Lionel Richie / Stevie ...
歌曲:We Are The World 歌手:U.S.A. for Africa 链接:https://music.apple.com/cn/album/we-are-the-world/41737866?i=41737859 音乐、封面仅作分享如有侵权告知会立即删除 展开更多发现《We Are the World》 音乐分享官 音乐 音乐综合 音乐推荐 小众 歌曲 流行音乐 音乐 日推 音乐安利...
专辑名:Clay Stones 歌手:We Are the World 发行时间:2010-04-13 简介:by K. Ross Hoffman L.A. art freaks We Are the World make no bones about the fact that they are not really a band -- they prefer the term "outfit," which seems vague enough to encompass an undertaking whose modes...
2010年来自美国LA 艺术家We Are The World 推出的新专辑Clay Stones. 曲风跟The Knife & Fever Ray 颇为接近. 此乐队比较走向舞台歌剧手法跟奇特服装作为表现. Biography by K. Ross Hoffman A boundary-defying experimental performance project blending dance, costume, video, and performance art with dark, ...
world》这首义卖单曲.《We Are The World》 历史上最著名的公益歌曲.1985年非洲闹饥荒,数以万计儿童的生命受到威胁.迈克·杰克逊召集了最知名的45位歌手,合力创作出版《We Are The World》专辑,成为当年全球大热歌曲,并成功为非洲儿童筹款4千万美元.今天将这首歌献给四川灾区的人!