八十年代中期,英国曾发起过Band Aid,为非洲埃塞俄比亚筹款演唱,引发出USA For Africa的音乐行动。而早于七十年代,流行摇滚乐手已有那份赤子之心,于1971年8月1日,在美国纽约“麦迪逊机场”举行的The Concert For Bangla Desh更是很早关注到第三世界儿童的饥饿、惶恐的生活。1985年,贝拉方特这位讽刺...
We are the world英文歌 MICHAELJACKSON POPMUSIC COMPOSERS 作曲 LionelRichie 莱昂纳尔里奇 . WeAretheWorldwasa1985albumthatcontainedUSAforAfrica's"WeAretheWorld"superstarcharityrecordingforfaminereliefeffortsinEthiopia BACKGROUND 50名美国最有声望、腰缠万贯的歌星聚在这里。为了拯救在饥饿和死亡线上挣扎的...
‘We Are the World’ is a song recorded in 1985 that featured more than 45 of the era’s most popular singers and songwriters as a fundraising effort to help relieve famine in Africa.
改写后的解析 Harry Brelfusom 是一位富有同情心的歌手,他为了帮助非洲饥饿的人民,召集了众多音乐界明星录制了一首名为“We Are the World”的歌曲。这首歌的创作过程历时数月,最终在1985年1月18日完成录制。歌手Diana Ross 在录音结束后流下了眼泪,表达了她希望继续这种善举的愿望。这首歌在全球范围内播放,最...
January 1985 said 28, 45 popular singers gathered in Los Angeles recording studio, recording the "We are the world" that the first sale of singles."We Are The World" history's most famous charity song. Naoji Huang Africa in 1985, tens of thousands of children's lives are threatened. ...
里奇里奇 BACKGROUND BACKGROUND We Are the World was a 1985 album that contained USA for Africa's "We Are the World" superstar charity recording for famine relief efforts in Ethiopia HELP THE PEOPLE IN HELP THE PEOPLE IN AFRICA AFRICA 50名美国最有声望、腰缠万贯的歌星聚在这里。为了拯救在饥饿...
We Are The World We Are The Worldis asong by the supergroupUSA for Africa which featuredsome of the most famous artists in the music industry at the time.The song was released on March 7, 1985, as the only single from the album of the same name. A worldwide commercial success, it ...
He came up with a plan to call on the stars from the music world and make a special record.The money from the record would help the hungry people in Africa.Those famous singers and musicians were always very busy, but they were willing to come to the event from all over the country....
The result, USA for Africa’s “We Are the World,” was released 35 years ago, on March 7th, 1985. The 46 vocalists who showed up may have formed the ultimate musical supergroup of all time, and the mission was serious, but the vibe was loose. As Jones told the collected singers tha...
“If I hadn’t worked individually with over half of these singers before, there was no way I would’ve signed on. Initially when Ken [Kragen] and Harry [Belafonte] approached me about ‘We Are the World,’ the idea was for it to be a tour. But that would’ve never worked with ...