MesmoLate - We Are the Star Sanses If you are evil and you are on the rise如果你是邪恶反派 不断壮大 You can count on the four of us talking you down你可以指望我们四个人说服你 Cause we are good and evil can't crush our dreams因为我们充满善意 邪恶并不会阻挡我们的梦想 We will...翻译:吳柏頡原影片:纯属分享,无意盗片,如有侵权,提醒就删)
Are you OK? ️ 天使變壞 We Are The World (天下一家) 小七公主 各路英雄请准备,Are you ready? 似水牛年 Are you sleeping 101个童话 These Are The Times Dru Hill Areyouok 董小软 Who Are You? ØMI(登坂广臣) 【再见,我的火影梦】O-DOG舞团Arena超燃火影齐舞! 残萧 Are you OK_当亿万...
一只小小的Geno - 星星眼战队之歌:We Are the Star Sanses 猜你喜欢 儿歌唱唱跳跳-Are you sleeping AlanWalkerNews-Different World & Are You Lonely 天使變壞-Are you OK? ️ 小七公主-We Are The World (天下一家) 似水牛年-各路英雄请准备,Are you ready? 101个童话-Are you sleeping...
OK, these are valid points, but not the right points. Metal over-the-topness is all about the aesthetics of production, lyrics, instrumentation, dress-sense, or, to be more specific: distortion, Satan, double-kicks and spikes. Like in the case of the statement “not all smokers get ...
These awards are just seriously encouraging. If you’re worried about them going to my head, well, after the ceremony, even in my fancy jacket, I could not get served a drink at a half-empty downtown bar, and I was back to regular work the next morning after changing a diaper. Life...
Plus Pacific vibes from West Coast notables Lyrics Born and DJ Quik, lyrical finesse from the Large Professor and unifying grooves on Fishbone's "One Planet People".DJs & Guests: DJ Static, Professor Groove, DJ Epik 1221 Show 1220: Juicy Juice returns for a triumphant run through Bay Area...