In 2017, when a number of posters on Tumblr and 4chan started bragging about their brain sizes, it quickly turned into a meme. Photos of different sized brains are paired with “smart” sounding words until they expand into a fully enlightened stage.One of the first manifestationsof the “e...
Everyone knows that it's hard for area businesses to find employees right now. I wrote an article on thelong lines in many businessesand how we shouldn't take it out on folks that are doing their job, even if it's inconvenient. Apparently, not everyone feels that way. "!@#$ Bozeman,...
While I’m still glad to this day that we went down the Easy Digital Downloads route, it’s also expensive. Both my brother and I like to keep our expenses as low as possible. But there are places where it makes sense to invest long-term, and a good ecommerce platform is one of ...