the latter of which – despite sounding like a superhero legion or a niche magazine – was actually a radio station in San Bernardino, Californ-i-a. And as well as being broadcasted in various areas of the globe, Peel also played music from bands with unpronounceable names fromZimbabwe,Chin...
There are only two features, and they’re both just fine. On the map side, I like the use of both large and small squares, and the grouping of hexes into mega-hexes. I really like that the map lines are all in grey, not black! The tables include blurbs with advice (e.g., smart...
The ox represents diligence, honesty, and (in Japan) the “Buddha Nature” where you work hard and try to move yourself onto the path of enlightenment. But in the Chinese zodiac system where the whole day and night are matched to figures of the zodiac, 1-3 AM is the “hour of the o...
Also, the Seventh Legion does engage in Wyld Hunts. It doesn't call them that, but that's essentially what they end up as when some Dragon-Blooded officers come together and decide that one of the Anathema is a threat.Vknight 2013-12-22, 11:37 PM So when will 3rd edition Exalted b...
often at the hands of those we’re supposed to trust the most. The corruption leaks down in the form of desperation causing brother to turn against brother. Citizens of nations everywhere are beginning to awaken from their sleep, and see the world for what it truly is. As a result, the...