Zielona granica. (a.k.a. Green Border) (Agnieszka Holland) Chiennes de vies. (Xavier Seron) Das Lehrerzimmer. (a.k.a. The Teachers’ Lounge) (İlker Çatak) Il pleut dans la maison. (a.k.a. It’s Raining in the House) (Paloma Sermon-Daï) La Chimera. (Alice Rohrwacher) K...
But the question as to what means are “lawful”—what methods of pursuing happiness are either morally permissible by the Law of Nature or should be declared legally permissible by the legislature of a particular nation—remains exactly where it did. And on that question I disagree with Clare....
Humans are born with innateconscience and the ability to know and act upon it. The term liangzhi (良知) was firstused by Mencius, who believed that what man knew by instinct was liangzhi(knowledge of goodness). The term includes ren (仁),i...
We have everything we need, and will ever need, when resources are allocated appropriately and nature is in balance. The emphasis is on cooperation, communication and collaboration instead of competition, domination or exploitation. Competition-based and exploitation-based economic systems are born of ...
Firstly, helping strangers is a reflection of our humanity and compassion. As human beings, we are inherently social creatures, and our survival depends on cooperation and mutual support. When we see someone struggling, our natural instinct is to offer assistance. This not only helps the individua...
喜欢的一个观点---There is nothing distinctively human or political about the laws of networks: as dots on a vast network map, we are no different from slime mould or animals – we become a herd. 互…
In such a venue, every activity is given ample time so that it can have its effect on the child. Also, there should also be enough time for interacting with everyone present at the party, and no one should be in a hurry- it is party time! In summary, the next time you are ...
Violinist Nicola Piovani cracked it when he said he uses “the short phrases” for what they are: “construction materials for a building.” Morricone’s eyes and ears clearly lit up. “The bricks,” he enthused, are the same in all buildings, but the buildings are not the same. And I...
while you are not safe i am not safe, and now masked & armed you stand before me unrecognizable in your anger fear need & utter denial – and who therefore left their paying friends adrift on the red carpets of Palm Beach, obsessed with overturning the tables of democracy & betrayed even...
Music’s power to latch itself on to our memories is truly remarkable: a single song can completely transport the listener back into that mood in ways that mere recollection cannot. They are an easy ticket for re-experiencing the past. But sometimes we associate them with memories that are ...