When I am debugging the code, after sometime it, halt to WDOG_EWM_IRQHandler() in defaultISR. I don't understand why this is happening? Please help. Regards Utsavi Bharuchwala Tags: debug hangs on wdog_ewm_irqhandler() WDOG suspend.png 170 KB 1...
Hello @ danielmartynek now it work with two task and printf , but when i can create the third task, all task will hold on. can you help check it.
Solved: hello, do you have example with wdog feature in freertos, i can run wdog under Bare metal but it will crash/hold on run with freertos, could
I am using s32k146 MCU, just getting started with processor expert. I am trying to run the hello world app from the example RMT3.0 but getting this error WDOG_EWM_IRQHandler() at startup_S32K146.S:378 0x478 I am fairly new to the IDE! Solved! Go to Solution. Ta...