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After 2 years of testing at the Danish Wave Test Station it was concluded that sufficient information had been obtained to be able to start planning for a 7MW PTO system [11].A key assumption in the design was to keep the weight of turbines and generators below 10 tonnes in or...
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无畏时光荏苒 2024-11-28 12:00:14 新章节《第15章:演戏谁不会》新鲜出炉,欢迎围观~ 等人离开,顾砚和六子从二楼一个隐秘的房间里走出来,掌柜的跟在身后低眉垂首当隐形人。 刚才田恬跟周启的交流他们都看见了,顾砚的脸从始至终都阴沉的吓人。 “公子,少夫人跟那周公子初相识,想必以... 回复 点赞暂无...
本集主要内容: 吴团长被发配到马棚,齐怀正让林凡清和郑君去躲一躲,但林凡清不愿意扔下视之如命的羊群。许静芝建议林凡清和郑君到花鹿沟避避风头,他们同意了。 (《大牧歌》 第30集)
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