MORE NEWS Crime Finding hope after tragedy: Non-profit FEDUP marks 20 years supporting families impacted by gun violence Updated: 17 hours ago | ByLeila Mitchell For 20 years, the local non-profit FEDUP has been a source of strength for families grieving the loss of loved ones to gun violen...
Business News New coffee shop opens in Christiansburg Updated: Nov. 19, 2024 at 11:20 AM EST| By Taylor Locke 7 Brew is now open in Christiansburg. Tuesday, it celebrated with a ribbon-cutting. Crime Suspect arrested for Bedford County vehicle thefts Updated: 24 hours ago| By Pat Tho...
I’ve deleted it and then because I wanted to have local News, I’d go back and reinstall it, but it’s no better than before. You’d think with all the negative reviews you get, you’d fix it, but I guess you don’t read them, because as I said earlier, you don’t care....
— WDBJ7 (@WDBJ7)August 26, 2015 ABC News reported on its website that the network received a 23-page fax from someone claiming to be Williams. The network said the fax was turned over to authorities. ABC News reports that a man using Williams' name called the network in the past few...
An interview with Kelly Zuber, the news director of CBS news station affiliate WDBJ in Virginia, is presented. Zuber spoke about the tragedy that befell the news station with the murder of reporter Alison Parker and videographer Adam Ward on live television. She talks about the heightened sense...
"It is with heavy hearts and deep sadness that we express our deepest condolenses (sic) to the families of Alison Parker and Adam Ward. We are also praying for the recovery of Vicki Gardner. Our thoughts and prayers at this time are with the victims' families and the WBDJ7 News family...
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7月,上海大剧院全新官方网站正式开通,进一步优化观众线上体验。同时,剧院自主票务系统完成升级改造,努力实现票务营销、文创营销、套餐组合、演出与活动等营销手段的无缝连接,满足观众反馈和不断变化的业务需求。 上海大剧院还对剧院空间进行挖掘,对黄陂北路的临街水景进行重新布局,新增的1998 艺廊餐厅、抓马咖啡馆5月营业...
1月13日,黑龙江哈尔滨,冰雪大世界,来自北京的7岁小学生陈文希在妈妈的陪同下体验冰上陀螺,这是他第一次来哈尔滨。中青报·中青网记者 程璨/摄 1月13日,黑龙江哈尔滨,冰雪大世界,4位大学生一起合影。她们分别来自广西、湖北和四川,同在四川读书的她们趁着放寒假的机会,相约一同来哈尔滨体验冰雪之旅。中青报·...