还有一个问题,这两款硬盘到底是不是叠瓦SMR。很抱歉,西数官网参数(Data sheet)没有明确提及,所以我这里给不了结论。虽然我认为是PMR可能性大,但是那些文章拿Ultrastar DC HC510企业级硬盘文档分析得出的PMR结论根本没有可信度。西数的Data sheet只针对Ultrastar企业盘标明了PMR/SMR,然而这两款硬盘根本不能算Ultrastar...
A guide to WD and HGST hard drives with CMR and SMR technology. hddscan.com It seems that Blue drives only come in a max of 6tb (at least internal drives), so is it likely they are Black or Green? It seems some have been lucky enough to get Reds. Can anyone confirm anything?
Ive deduced that EZAZ suggests its a Desktop Advanced Format/Blue/Black/Green but neither the blue or green come in 10tb, so is it a Black? Would like to know if CMR/SMR and if air/helium filled. Can anyone help please? T0x1cMaNJanuary 28, 2021, 12:11pm2 ...
很抱歉,西数官网参数(Data sheet)没有明确提及,所以我这里给不了结论。虽然我认为是PMR可能性大,但是那些文章拿Ultrastar DC HC510企业级硬盘文档分析得出的PMR结论根本没有可信度。西数的Data sheet只针对Ultrastar企业盘标明了PMR/SMR,然而这两款硬盘根本不能算Ultrastar盘。 三、总结 虽然我分析出的结论是My Book...