(%i5) 1/2+2/3; 7 (%o5) - 6 从(%o4)我们看到,7/3这种运算,Maxima 不是告诉我们2.3333...,而是分数的形式!难道Maxima 真的懂分数?不要怀疑,这就是所谓电脑代数系统(CAS) 的特长。我们可以像(%o5)的例子一样,输入个分数的四则运算试试即知。 如果坚持要用浮点数,那只要加个float 指令即可: (%...
A high-throughput and memory-efficient inference and serving engine for LLMs - vllm/vllm/sequence.py at main · wdshin/vllm
structContentView:View{// horizontal spacing = 0letcolumns=Array(repeating:GridItem(spacing:0), count:3)varbody:someView{ScrollView{// vertical spacing = 0LazyVGrid(columns: columns, spacing:0) {ForEach(0..<100) { iinText("Item\(i)") .frame(maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight:50) .backg...
array([float(x)]) def energy_receive(): # Return an empty numpy array return np.empty((), dtype=np.float).tolist()Output:>>> energy_send(123.456) >>> energy_receive() 123.456Where's the Nobel Prize?💡 Explanation:Notice that the numpy array created in the energy_send function is...
1) YOLOv8抛弃了以往的IOU匹配或者单边比例的分配方式,而是使用了Task-Aligned Assigner正负样本匹配方式。2)并引入了 Distribution Focal Loss(DFL) 04 Train 训练的数据增强部分引入了 YOLOX 中的最后 10 epoch 关闭 Mosiac 增强的操作,可以有效地提升精度 ...
The main varieties are: float ball, fixed ball, fixed ball with handle, V-shaped ball, L-shaped ball, T-shaped ball, hemi sphere ball,four-way ball, fixed three-way ball and the balls can a...
采用精度较低的数字精度(float\half\fixed)以获得最佳性能。 视锥体剔除(View Frustum Culling) 视锥体剔除是在Unity3D摄像机视野范围内针对场景对象进行剔除的一种方式,其基本思想是:判断对象是否在相机的视锥体内(包含相交),不在则将其剔除,在CPU提交DrawCull绘制时,不会将此对象传递到GPU进行渲染。其主要的判断...
The main varieties are: float ball, fixed ball, fixed ball with handle, V-shaped ball, L-shaped ball, T-shaped ball, hemi sphere ball,four-way ball, fixed three-way ball and the balls can also b...
16 pos *= .1; 17 val = max(sin(PI * pos * 1.) * 6., sin(PI * pos * 2.) * 8.); 18 19 // Heart extension 20 float x = uv.x; 21 float z = val;// mod(iTime, 10.); 22 float y = pow(x * x, 2. / 3.) + 0.9 * sqrt(3.3 - x * x) * sin(z * PI...
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