入门指南 – 22 WD TV Live/WD TV Live Plus 高清媒体播放器 用户手册 5 网络设置 该媒体播放器可通过有线或无线网络连接方式接入本地网络,以访问流媒体视频以 及在线和离线媒体内容。 以太网(有线)设置 1. 请将以太网线插入媒体播放器的以太网接口。 2. 将以太网线的另一端直接插入路由器的 LAN 端口或...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现全新WD西部数据 DVD TV Live&Mini Plus HD Media Player 遥控器的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于全新WD西部数据 DVD TV Live&Mini Plus HD Media Player 遥控器的信息,请来淘
作者: Western Digital (WDC) 硬件类型: 数字媒体播放器 型号: Digital Media Player 系列: WD TV Live Media Player 操作系统: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 安装可选产品 - DriverDoc (Solvusoft) | 最终用户许可协议 | 隐私政策 | 条款 | 卸载...
功能微软软件Windows PlayMedia Real这款型号为WD TV Live HD数字播放器,它支持多款多媒体格式(除了Real格式),这次的新软件,版号1.02.21,支持微软操作系统的"Play To"(播放至)功能,并且完整支持Windows Media Player 12,所以可以从电脑上执行Play To,然后再到WD TV Live HD上观看影片或音乐即可.VIP中国传媒科技...
The WD TV Live is Wi-Fi-enabled. That is a huge benefit over the WD TV Live Hub because you don’t have to run Ethernet cables to your router or buy accessories like powerline adapters or a Wi-Fi dongle that can cost as much as the media player. While it has been commonly thought...
底部型号图 WD TV LIVE STREAMING MEDIA PLAYER C3H WDBHG70000NBK 正面还是很多小划痕的。 背面接口详细图片。 在别家全是美图的情况下,小熊还是坚持自己拍图和拆解来体现产品的实物,通过图片向您表达这个产品的细节,希望你通过小熊的商品介绍中的图片来方便的了解这个商品,买到自己喜欢的宝贝,因小熊大多卖的是库...
The folks over at Western Digital (WD) understand this, as the company has just announced its WD TV Live Plus HD media player that ships with Netflix support, allowing you to browse titles, manage your Instant Queue and stream your favorite episodes directly to your HDTV. Other features ...
I downloaded and update it on my WD TV Live media player (gen 2 model:WDBABF0000NBK) the „wrong“ version of firmware upgrade Release 1.06.15. (Media player don’t work properly and don’t find some external WD HD). I found and downloded versionRelease 1.01.77 (12/3/09). So I...
The WD TV Live is a really impressive media player. Your TV will become the new entertainment centre again. If you’re finding that your PC has been competing for that role, well, now the whole family can enjoy streaming media on the large screen together. Your TV will do so much more...
Can the WD TV Live HDMedia Player access 3TB Drives if it has a partiton, one as 2TB & and the other as a 1TB Drive, or no?