和其他的存储基础硬件供应商不同,西部数据拥有上到Ultrastar DC系列的企业级存储解决方案,下到包括HDD和SSD的WD Red、WD Purple、WD Blue、WD Green等细分专业存储产品,而其专为NAS使用场景打造的中坚产品则是“WD Red红盘”家族。 CCBN 2024展会期间,西部数据也联合QNAP,一同展示了其针对NAS应用场景的存储解决方案。
海康威视 西部数据8TB紫盘机械硬盘垂直服务器CMR录像机台式机nas监控硬盘SATA接口WD Purple 3.5英寸 1199元 京东 02-21 10:13 0 -- 西部数据 WD)8TB 企业级机械硬盘DC HC320 SATA 7200转256MB CMR垂直 3.5英寸HUS728T8TALE6L4 1339元(需用券) 京东 1小时前 0 -- 西部数据 台式机硬盘 WD Blue 西数蓝盘...
移动端、京东百亿补贴:西部数据 WD)台式机机械硬盘 WD Blue 西数蓝盘 CMR垂直 SATA 4TB (WD40EZAX) 爆料人: 魔女舒雅 15:23发布 京东此款目前活动售价549元,近期好价。 简明购买步骤 1 加购 当前商品1件 2 下单 实付549元 国补攻略再更新,天猫余杭消费券新增数码电器个护美妆类目券,至高满3000减270元...
As for WD Blue vs Red, this post has shown their differences in several aspects. If you do not know which hard drive is better, you can refer to the above part. If you have any different ideas of WD Red vs WD Blue, you can leave a message in the comment zone. In addition, if ...
WD Purple WD42EJRX 4TB CMR OPEN 25th Jan ▲ 76% WD Red WD60EFRX 6TB CMR OPEN 14th Sep ▲ 76% WD Blue WD30EZRZ 3TB CMR OPEN 14th Dec ▲ 83% WD Black WD5000LPLX 500GB CMR OPEN 14th Dec ▲ 100% WD Ultrastar HUS726T6TALE6L4 6TB CMR OPEN 19th Dec ▼ 90% Sea...
All the Western Digital drives, including Black, Blue, Red, and Purple, use the SATA interface for communication with the processor. All of these drives use the SATA III interface to connect with the system. Users often ask the same question regarding Western Digital hard drives: Can data be...
Id go red plus, ironwolf, or make sure the blue drive is a cmr drive. Thank you for pointing that out. BB carries the Red Plus but they are all sold out and their Blues are not the CMR type. Looks I am taking the long trek to Micro Center, I need a WD Purple for my DVR ...
西部数据(WD)4TB 监控级机械硬盘 WD Purple 西数紫盘 SATA 256MB CMR垂直 3.5英寸WD43PURZ 534.11元(需用券) WD西部数据机械硬盘22TUltrastar DC HC570企业级服务器存储22TB 实付3389.15元 西部数据(WD)台式机硬盘 WD Blue 西数蓝盘 4TB 5400转 256MB SATA 3.5英寸CMR垂直技术DIY电脑存储机械硬盘 466.17元(需用...
【京东自营】38节、PLUS会员:(WD)西部数据 监控级机械硬盘 WD Purple 西数紫盘 8TB 256MB SATA CMR垂直 3.5英寸,1222.56元(需领券)--慢慢买比价网
Buy Western Digital 6TB WD Purple Surveillance Hard Drive, 3.5" Internal Hard Drive HDD, 256MB Cache, CMR - WD63PURZ at Walmart.com