WD My Cloud™ User Manual • WD My Cloud DL2100 • WD My Cloud DL4100 • WD My Cloud EX2100 • WD My Cloud EX4100 WD Service and Support Should you encounter any problem, please give us an opportunity to address it before returning this product. Most technical support questions...
I’ve now done the 40 second reset, and the device reappears under the network devices in my WLAN router dashboard. I cannot set it up though, as i still cannot access the dashboard. Would be nice to know if there is a solution for this major issue. It already pisses me off i lo...
EX4100 they pass self tests but when I try to configure them in any mode the GUI says it is partitioning and never ends and the EX4100 becomes unresponsive until I reset the power. I put the 2 drives back in Dlink NAS and all my data is still there so the EX4100 has done nothing...
Re: WDmycloudex4100 instructions June 09, 2019 05:07PM Admin Registered: 14 years ago Posts: 19,261 Johnei, > do I have this right I need to use rootfs > Debian-4.12.4-mvebu-tld-1-rootfs-bodhi.tar.bz2 on > USB and that will give me Debian? That's correct. > if ...
Solution 10: Reset network access priority If you try above solutions, but still cannot access WD My Cloud on a network, try to reset network security settings. Step 1. Type group policy in the search box and select it. Then, navigate to the following path: ...
在WD My Cloud Home Duo上安装“Debian 11 + OpenMediaVault 6”或“Gentoo Linux”的说明。 来自4pda.ru论坛,翻译转载 注意! 在安装之前备份您的重要数据。 硬盘上的所有信息将被销毁,分区将被重置。 注意! 仅适用于双盘位机器,单盘位不可使用本教程,必须要同时安装两个硬盘。
1、到迅雷论坛下载my book live最新版远程下载固件,g.xunlei 2、将下载的zip文件(例如Xware1.0.19_my_book_live.zip)改名为Xware.zip(注意X为大写,否则脚本无法识别)放到网上邻居Public文件夹里 3、复制以下脚本至putty运行 cd /shares/Public if [ -s /usr/local/xunlei/portal ];then ...
例如:擁有自己的雲端儲存空間,或是建置多媒體串流平台,外出可以透過網路讀取 NAS 裡的影片、聽音樂、看照片,而像是阿湯自己有在研究網站,也可以在 NAS 架設測試網站,或是像用在 APPLE 電腦做為 TimeMachine 備份使用,用途多多,如果是一般家用,可以從阿湯今天介紹的這款WD My Cloud EX2100入門試試,往下來看介紹...
They use nginex and letsencrypt sort of like you’re suggesting, I think… Edit: Apparently you were the one who made that original post. [PACKAGE] Docker v18.03.1 CE for WD My Cloud My Cloud Pro Series The default shipped docker is an old version 1.7 … it took me a while to ...
What I can’t access is the http://WDMyCloud to get to the dashboard. Is the only option a full reset. The only reason I care is the thing was a nightmare to set-up originally, took the support people over an hour so I’m afraid to un-do that. Thanks! Lori Bennor July 19,...