步骤1.检查My Cloud设备是否存在潜在的SMB 2.0问题。右键单击左下角Windows图标,选择“Windows powershell(管理员)”运行,然后输入“Get-SmbConnection”并回车。稍后,您将看到已连接设备及其SMB版本的列表,但WD My Cloud未在Windows文件资源管理器中列出。 步骤2.在搜索框输入“命令提示符”选择以管理员身份运行并键...
Hi everyone! I'm trying to install ZeroTier with the following command on a WD MyCloud Server: WDMyCloud:~# curl -s https://install.zerotier.com | sudo bash But I get the following output: WDMyCloud:~# curl -s https://install.zerotier.co...
0的固件,解压root.img出来然后按指令安装...就出现不能进UI,不能SSH,putty显示connection refused,...
# 在控制面板的“网络”那里开启ssh访问,然后命令行访问MyCloud # Windows下的ssh客户端 ssh sshd@你的MyCloud_IP # 在MAC终端 ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss sshd@你的MyCloud_IP #将uImage, uRamdisk和jessie-rootfs.tar.gz放进/boot/boot里。 # 重启MyCloud # 通过telnet链接MyCloud (telnet的ip和...
这时又得使用PuTTY软件,在界面的“Host Name”一栏填入西部数据 MyCloud的IP地址,“Connection type”选项下选择“SSH”,然后点击“Open”按钮, 会弹出一个黑色的界面。在“loginas”后面输入“root”,按回车键,接下来在“Password”后面输入密码,需要注意的是,在输入密码时,软件是不会显示出字符的, ...
1、用任意ssh客户端(putty或者sshclient)登录到Mycloud,用户名root,密码welc0me 2、安装必要的python...
Because something was gone wrong with the freeBsd Server, Please try reconnecting later...If the problem still exists, Please reconnect the server in other network or by another computer
My Cloud OS 5 Mobile App and Web Access The WD My Cloud OS 5 mobile and web software can keep you connected to your content whether you’re at the office, working at home, or hitting the open road (Internet connection required). Get the App Collect Your Content In One Place Lo...
WD My Cloud EX2 Ultra NAS saves all your valuable photos, videos, music and files on this ready-to-go, high-performance NAS solution for secure access to them from anywhere.
(in four disk mode); Disk roaming; Array roaming Power management Drive Spin Up/Down (including Attached WD USB drives) • Automatic power recovery (with UPS) Schedule power on/off • Graceful shutdown on UPS low battery • UPS connection via USB or network • Wake On LAN ™ ...