WD My Cloud, 免费下载. WD My Cloud Western Digital Technologies, Inc. offers the WD My Cloud, a network-attached storage device designed to provide …
My Cloud OS 5 Mobile App and Web Access The WD My Cloud OS 5 mobile and web software can keep you connected to your content whether you’re at the office, working at home, or hitting the open road (Internet connection required). ...
西数WD mycloud gen2发布于2015年11月份,到现在已经6个年头了,相较于前代的mycloud,gen2具有翻倍的内存(521m)以及更高性能的cpu(Marvell Armada 375)最近西数为旗下的mycloud存储发布了最新的os5系统更新,…
(多系统测试无设置超简易应用)NAS系统俗称“那是……”,早在多年前(估计5-10年)就已经听说过此等高端、大气、上档次的东东。最早时只闻风声,未见水起,逐步市场化后,高昂的价格,让人望而却步。还好终于偶然发现《电脑报》上新品介绍WD My Cloud(西部数据)——家庭版NAS系统(个人云存储功能),这是...
My Cloud Home背面有一个USB 3.0接口,可以用来备份移动硬盘、相机、存储卡里面的文件,直接插上去就可以完成备份,不需要开电脑主机。如图,我将移动硬盘连接到My Cloud home的USB口上(读卡器也可以直接连接):接上移动硬盘和读卡器后,APP端提示找到USB设备,点击[复制数据]就可以将文件备份到My Cloud:点击...
仔细一看,原来MY CLOUD HOME并不支持单个文件体积大于5GB的文件的上传。Oh,my god!蓝光电影fans可以省下钱了。各位大姐姐小妹妹也不能住到MY CLOUD HOME的大豪宅里了。 好吧!再翻翻,翻到了从itunes store上购买的《功夫熊猫》正版电影文件的备份,文件大小约3.82GB。
- New Supportsystem: Messages are shown directly in the App - If you add a Device over mycloud.com and you have more than one Device registered to your Account, its now possible to select the device you want to add more App Privacy See Details The developer, Christian Schmitt22099128776...
使用手机段和My Cloud一样,Mirror也可以通过专用的WD My Cloud软件来访问设备,无论是手机还是平板电脑、安卓和IOS都能轻松访问。 拿IOS系统举例,首先需要在通过AppStore下载了iPhone版本的My Cloud,下载完成后打开,选择增加设备,并且选择用户登录,登录完成后根据提示完成选项,然后可以进入页面,进行上传和下载。
Keep your media safe on this high-performance Network Attached Storage (NAS) device. Access the My Cloud Expert Series EX2 Ultrafrom anywhere with an internet connection.
Next, you’ll visit mycloud.com/hello to set up your account and download the app that will allow you to use the system. You will need the WD Discovery App on all devices that you plan to access your cloud from. I installed it on my Android phone, my laptop and my desktop computer...