My Cloud OS 5 Mobile App and Web Access The WD My Cloud OS 5 mobile and web software can keep you connected to your content whether you’re at the office, working at home, or hitting the open road (Internet connection required). ...
Trying to get access to the My Cloud account and forgotten my password as I set it up some time ago. Went to WD support page and reset password but it is not sending a verification email to my account so I can change the password. Does that mean that my account is disabled. How do...
My Cloud™ Pro 系列 使用手冊 • My Cloud PR2100 • My Cloud PR4100 WD 服務與支援 若您遇到任何問題,請在決定退回本產品之前,先讓我們有機會解決問題.大部分的技術支援問 題都可透過我們的知識庫或電子郵件支援服務(獲得解答.如果無法...
2)设置阿里云DDNS,有很多流行的DDNS可供选择,比如花生壳,但是据说免费版本的会有限速,而且也不太稳定,所以我使用了阿里云的DDNS服务,只需要在阿里云上花很少的钱买一个域名,并拿到AccessKey和AccessScrect,关于这一点,请移步: 域名购买完后,需要手动建一条A解...
在Windows 10中如何修复WDMyCloud无法连接? 以下是Windows 10无法访问西数MyCloud或WDMyCloud无法连接的10种解决方法,详细的操作步骤如下。 ❈ 解决方案 1:启用SMB1.0 步骤1.依次转到“控制面板”>“程序和功能”>“启用或关闭Windows功能”。 步骤2.勾选“SMB 1.0/CIFS文件共享支持”。然后,重新启动计算机以使...
My Cloud Home Starting March 22, 2023 My Cloud Home cloud access will not be available to any device that is not at or above firmware level 8.13.1-102. To update to the latest firmware, please power cycle the device by shutting it do… ...
The WD My Cloud allows for seamless file sharing and syncing across multiple devices. Users can create custom shares for family and friends to access specific content and have full control over individual user permissions. Additionally, the WD My Cloud comes with automatic backup software to ensure...
We have a WD MyCloudEX2 working as a data storage in the office. Only 2pcs and 1 laptop connected. All was working fine. New PC has it listed as storage and will open dashboard via IP address over the internet. However I previously could access through windows explorer but on ne...
WD MyCloud Gen2 CPU: Marvell Armada 375 (2x1.0 GHz) RAM: 512 MB DDR3 Nand: 1MB (U-Boot) 从规格可以看出第二代属于“加量不加价”,规格明显高了一档,可玩性也自然高出一头。 这款产品虽然看起来简简单单,就是一个网络硬盘盒,但是实际上它并不能做到换盘如换衣服一样简单。
使用:下载之后,单击右键选择属性:设置Windows Vista Service Pack 2的兼容模式,设置以”管理员身份运行”。双机安装,推荐在安装时钩去“enable write access”来保护linux不被写入,以防止数据丢失 MBL的保存数据在/shares/目录里,进去就能查看到了。 追加修改(2014-08-23): ...