WD Green SN350 NVMe™ SSD 高效、抗震的 SSD,专为需要 NVMe 高性能提升的老旧计算机而设计。 了解详情 创意生产力 WD Blue 硬盘增强了专业人士在处理大型文件时所需的创造力和生产力。 选购WD Blue HDD 选购WD Blue SSD WD Blue 机械硬盘 强大可靠的硬盘,可满足严苛的应用需求,也可随时随地为您的工作提...
Hi guys, i want to buy a 1tb hard disk for my rig.Its gonna be my primary drive.First i was buying WD caviar green 1tb because it was cheap, but after...
As hard drive capacities increase, the power required to run those drives increases as well. WD Caviar Green drives make it possible for energy-conscious customers to build systems with higher capacities and the right balance of system performance, ensured reliability, and energy conservation. ...
原价666,现在降至596,近期新低价了! 标签:SSD固态硬盘
additional "intelligence" designed by WD seems to more than compensate for the power-saving features. Maybe a benchmark would disagree, but even in gaming I don't think a user would be able to tell the difference. This thing is also far quieter and noticeably cooler than the WD blue it ...
小编补充:西部数据公司是一家全球知名的硬盘厂商,西数是数据存储业的排头兵,硬盘业的领头羊。 西数蓝盘是日常家用首选的硬盘,以靠谱的质量和稳定的性能一直被比比津津乐道。WD20EZRZ蓝盘是西数的2T型号,上市多年几经升级改版,拥有NoTouch斜坡加载技术可将记录磁头置于远离磁盘表面的安全位置从而保护数据;IntelliSeek计算...
Our new store : www.hddgeek.com Home > WD SATA PCB > WD400BB-75JHC0 2060-701292-000 REV A 2061-701292-000 701292 WD400BB HSBHNTJEA 3.5'' IDE circuit board replacement +FW WD400BB-75JHC0 2060-701292-000 REV A 2061-701292-000 701292 WD400BB HSBHNTJEA 3.5'' IDE circuit board re...
This PCB (circuit board,donor board,controller board) is intended for individuals attempting data recovery on their hard drive. It comes with a fully tested PCB and a full set of instructions.This item is intended for you to diagnose if your hard drive has a circuit board problem, and if ...
中古WD40EZRX 4TB HDD WD Green (#8) 价格: 7,125円 合人民币: 341.00 元 成色: 目立った傷や汚れなし 运费: 送料込み(出品者負担) 品牌: ウェスタンデジタル 配送时间: 1~2日で発送 配送方法: エコメルカリ便 配送区域: 東京都 个数: 1件 其它: 打开原始链接 加入购物车...
配送时间:1~2日で発送 配送方法:エコメルカリ便 配送区域:東京都 个数:1件 其它: 打开原始链接 收藏商品 店铺名称:Bamboo看看卖家其他拍品 卖家信息:好评55差评0已实名认证 商品说明(英文) 参考翻译(中文) WD 内蔵HDD Green 4TB 3.5inch SATA3.0(SATA 6 Gb/s) 64MB ...