WD Greenis basically the same as WD Blue, but it has a bit of a lower performance. However, it is the most eco-friendly HDD, and it’s quite cheap. It makes less noise, so it’s more suitable for home usage. It’s the HDD for file downloading. Advantages include: it produces les...
GREEN系列是面对入门级市场,价格亲民。BLUE系列是中端市场,价格昂贵一些。WD Green SSD来源于闪迪SSD Plus,性能方面,持续读取速度540-545MB/s,持续写入速度405-435MB/s,随机读取速度37000 IOPS,随机写入速度63000-68000 IOPS,另外待机功耗0.03W。WD Blue SSD基于闪迪X400,性能方面,持续读取速度...
西部数据(WD) 绿盘Green/蓝盘blue m.2固态硬盘SSD sata协议 装机升级 蓝盘系列(保5年) 500GB(WDS500G3B0B)图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
(蓝盘)和WD Green(绿盘)系列固态硬盘,提供2.5英寸和M.2两种规格,就像西部数据机械硬盘的定位一样,蓝盘定位性能级,绿盘定位稍低,但都定位主流市场。产品定于10月中旬正式发售,WD Blue蓝盘SSD有250GB、500GB和1TB三种容量可选,售价分别79.99美元(约537元)、139.99美元(约940元)和299.99美元(约2010元);WD Green绿...
(蓝盘)和WD Green(绿盘)系列固态硬盘,提供2.5英寸和M.2两种规格,就像西部数据机械硬盘的定位一样,蓝盘定位性能级,绿盘定位稍低,但都定位主流市场。产品定于10月中旬正式发售,WD Blue蓝盘SSD有250GB、500GB和1TB三种容量可选,售价分别79.99美元(约537元)、139.99美元(约940元)和299.99美元(约2010元);WD Green绿...
WD Green SN350 NVMe™ SSD 高效、抗震的 SSD,专为需要 NVMe 高性能提升的老旧计算机而设计。 了解详情 创意生产力 WD Blue 硬盘增强了专业人士在处理大型文件时所需的创造力和生产力。 选购WD Blue HDD 选购WD Blue SSD WD Blue 机械硬盘 强大可靠的硬盘,可满足严苛的应用需求,也可随时随地为您的工作提供...
In this article, we will see what is the difference between the different color WD HDDs. WD Hard Drive colors comparison You are well aware of Western Digital. It is among the best hard disk drive manufacturers. There are six color codes for WD HDDs, blue, red, black, green, purple, ...
WD Green Best for everyday light computing. Learn More WD Blue Capacity-focused storage for creators. Learn More WD_BLACK High-performance drives specially-tuned for gaming. Learn More WD Red Reliable HDDs & SSDs to boost performance and capacity of NAS systems. Learn More WD Purple High...
What is the difference between WD colors? WD provides several color hard drives including Blue, Green, Black, Red, Purple, and Gold. WD Blue hard drives are mainly used for general purpose storage. WD Green is basically same as Blue, but it lacks a bit of performance. ...
WD Blue WD0EZEX 1TB SMR OPEN 10th Dec WD White WD40EMRX 4TB CMR OPEN 10th Dec WD Black WD5001FZWX 5TB CMR OPEN 10th Dec WD RE WD6005FRPZ 6TB CMR OPEN 10th Dec WD Green WD60EZRX 6TB CMR OPEN 10th Dec WD Black WD6001FZWX 6TB CMR OPEN 10th Dec WD Red WD100EFAX...