但就是在Windows系统提示找不到驱动。 解决方案 1.下载 WD Drive Utilities(Windows 系统适用) (软件和固件下载 | WD 支持 (wdc.com)) WD Drive Utilities 2. 安装WD Drive Utilities(因软件安装在别的电脑上,在此仅描述) WD Drive Utilities界面上有三个选项: (1) 诊断 运行驱动器状态检查:检查潜在驱动...
介绍:用户可以下载WD Discovery,通过WD Discovery了解WD其他APP的更新信息,如WD Security App, WD Backup 和WD Drive Utilitties,也可以了解WD合作伙伴的软件的信息。 支持的操作系统: Windows 10 32/64-bit versions Windows 8.1 32/64-bit versions Windows 7 32/64-bit versions 说明:移动硬盘里自带的安装包...
1、下载解压,双击文件“Install WD Discovery for Windows.exe”安装软件; 2、在wd discovery安装时请耐心等待; 3、找到PC系统托盘右下角的WD图标; 4、单击以启动wd discovery; 5、由于安装了WD Drive Utilities,已连接的外部驱动器将会自动被wd discovery识别到,单击驱动器以访问内容。 6、软件的设备以及应用查看...
WD Discovery for Windows, by Western Digital Corporation, is a cloud-based software delivery software, that helps manage other WD Apps, such as WD Drive Utility, and WD Security, updates, and notifications for external USB drives that are connected to routers, NAS devices, and other networking...
WDDriveService.exe是一个可执行的exe文件,该文件属于WD Drive Service进程,该进程与Western Digital Technologies软件开发人员开发的WD Drive Utilities软件一起提供。 如果Windows 10中的WDDriveService.exe进程很重要,则删除它时应小心。有时WDDriveService.exe进程可能使用过多的CPU或GPU。如果是恶意软件或病毒,则可能...
Q.3 Why is the WD drive not present on the system? If you are unable to see the device or if the WD drive is not present on the system, this could be because of a faulty port. If you are using a laptop, try connecting the device with another port. However, Windows desktop users...
Are your hard drives, be it new or old, internal or external, not showing up in File Explorer or Disk Management? Follow along to learn how to make your hard drive show up again in Windows 10/8/7 without losing data. Quick Fixes for WD External Hard Drive Light On But Not Re...
WD Drive Utilities Problems As we have mentioned above, when using WD Drive Utilities for Windows, you may come across some errors. So, in this part, we will show you how to solve these issues. When using WD Drive Utilities, it is common for you to come across the error of WD Drive...
安装WD Drive Utilities管理工具,进入诊断页面。这里可以进行自我监控,或者进行快速、全面的硬盘自检测试,推荐大家隔一段时间检测一下硬盘的工作情况,做到发现问题及时处理、数据备份,以免造成数据丢失。 2、查看RAID状态 这里可以查看当前RAID的状态,硬盘盒内默认配备了两块硬盘,可以看到两款硬盘的状态均为联机。
WD Drive Utilities是西部数据为其旗下硬盘产品开发的一款管理工具,利用WD Drive Utilities软件,用户可配置、管理、诊断WD硬盘。借助于WD Drive Utilities,可运行硬盘诊断,管理RAID配置(该型号需支持RAID),擦除和格式硬盘数据,设置硬盘休眠定时器(on supported drives)和注册硬盘。硬盘诊断可检测当前硬盘状态,便于及时发现...