11 oz. (4.85)65 READ REVIEWS >> WD-40 Specialist®Contact Cleaner, featuring patented Smart Straw technology, blasts away oil, dirt, flux residue and condensation from sensitive electronics and electrical equipment with pinpoint precision. It dries quickly, leave no residue and removes over 95%...
WD40精密电器清洁剂 (1)产品特点及功效 ◆ 分解油脂、油迹及污杂物,增强电器能效 ◆ 快干易干、不留痕迹或残渣,减少停机时间 ◆ 对塑料可安全使用,喷后不需要冲洗及抹干 ◆ 非导电体,绝缘强度高达25600伏特 (2) 适用范围 保养的具体设备及部件 音频设备 印刷电路板、遥控器旋钮、调谐器、麦克风 视频设备 印刷...
Whether you need the original blue and yellow can with thousands of uses, or a penetrating oil, lubricant, cleaner, degreaser or solution to protect against or remove rust, we’ve got you covered. Get the Job Done Right® with a range of products from WD-40® Brand. ...
Order WD-40 Contact Cleaner 400ml at Screwfix.com. Screwfix customers rate this product 4.9/5. FREE next day delivery available, free collection in 1 minute.
WD-40 快干触点清洁剂的特点:双作用智能吸管涂抹器,适用于大面积和精确喷涂应用快速活性非导电清洁剂非常适合清洁电气设备、触点、塑料和橡胶快速渗透且不留下残留物渗透到难以触及的区域描述:快速渗透到难以触及的区域,快速干燥,不留任何残留物。 WD-40 Specialist Fast Dying Contact Cleaner 可用于电气设备、触点、...
Buy WD-40 Specialist Electrical Contact Cleaner 11 oz - WD 300554 online from NAPA Auto Parts Stores. Get deals on automotive parts, truck parts and more.
WD-40 ▶ The Contact Cleaner cleans oil, dirt, dust, flux residue & condensation from electrical components. ▶ Model: 100ml
21 Uses For WD-40 Around The House 1. Toilet Cleaner Spray WD-40 on tough limescale stains and mineral deposits in your toilet, and let it sit for a few minutes. Scrub with a toilet brush or a pumice stone, and the stains will dissolve easily!
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WD-40® Specialist® Electrical Contact Cleaner blasts away oil, dirt, flux residue and condensation from sensitive electronics and electrical equipment to keep it running smoothly. It dries quickly, leaves no residue and removes more soil than leading competitors, making it the best at cleaning...