What I've observed is that when I query the logs in the server's database, I get entities withisPaired = falseandisWatchAppInstalled = true.Also, when I query the errors I seedeviceNotPairederrors. So my question is, does Should WCSession.isPaired property be true before accessing WCSess...
[WCSession _onqueue_notifyOfMessageError:messageID:withErrorHandler:] B322D88E-8F50-4BAB-86FF-AFD3B851E1CC errorHandler: NO with WCErrorCodeMessageReplyFailed -> WCErrorCodeNotReachable 但是在我的代码中我添加了各种检查: if(_session&&_session.isPaired&&_session.isWatchAppInstalled&&_session.isR...
Your iOS app should also check the isPaired and isWatchAppInstalled properties before sending any background messages, and it may need to check other properties as needed. Most of the properties you need to check are valid only while the session is active. At other times, the values of ...
IsSupported Whether the current device supports WCSession objects. OutstandingFileTransfers The currently in-progress file transfers. OutstandingUserInfoTransfers The currently in-progress data transfers. Paired Whether the current iPhone is paired to an Apple Watch. Reachable Whether the paired device is...
=WCSession.isSupported()?WCSession.defaultSession():nil// Add a validSession variable to check that the Watch is paired// and the Watch App installed to prevent extra computation// if these conditions are not met.// This is a computed property, since the user can pair their device and /...
error on line 2 at column 6: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error. 提示信息是头部有错误,我登录后台查看我修改过的页面,然后找到home.php我看了十几分钟没有发现那里有错误~~ 莫非头部不能有空格? 去掉试试 ...
Your iOS app should also check the isPaired and isWatchAppInstalled properties before sending any background messages, and it may need to check other properties as needed. Most of the properties you need to check are valid only while the session is active. At other times, the values of ...
IsSupported Whether the current device supports WCSession objects. OutstandingFileTransfers The currently in-progress file transfers. OutstandingUserInfoTransfers The currently in-progress data transfers. Paired Whether the current iPhone is paired to an Apple Watch. Reachable Whether the paired device is...