Thistooltakes awcftrace file and awcfclient proxy, or awcfinterface ... data variation can be introduced for the purpose of doing performance testing. ... CodeGuru: TILO - An Automated Unit-Testing Tool for C & C++ TILO - An Automated Unit-Testingtool...
Brief: Parasoft releases new version of SOA testing tool Parasoft's upgraded SOAtestingtool, SOAtest 5.5, offers a host of new features, ... supports Microsoft's .NETwcfWindows Communication Framework, including ...,289142,sid92_gci12761...
Rob Jarratt has updated the community-driven WCF load test tool with a new beta release. The test tool uses a trace captured from a previous run of a WCF service to automatically generate a test case that performs the same sequence of operations. This allows you to quickly turn a hand-cra...
Identifying good test case inputs that thoroughly exercise the system under test, and determining expected results is the most difficult part of software testing.Now, although you can write WCF client code from scratch, it's much easier to use the svcutil.exe command-line tool that ships with...
This release adds support for testing ASMX services (where a new client proxy has been generated using WCF) as well as a variety of enhancements to support additional WCF features that the tested service can include.Version 3.0 (Beta) - Build Release Notes...
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Test Client (WcfTestClient.exe) is a GUI tool that enables users to input test parameters, submit that input to the service, and view the response that the service sends back. It provides a seamless service testing experience when combined with WCF Service...
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Test Client (WcfTestClient.exe) is a GUI tool that enables users to input test parameters, submit that input to the service, and view the response that the service sends back. It provides a seamless service testing experience when combined with WCF Service...
The most basic type of WCF service testing involves verifying the functional correctness of the service operations. One approach would be to manually test a WCF service through an application UI. But, although manual testing is necessary, using this approach to test the basic functionality of a ...
The user interface to wcfstorm-lite is probably its biggest drawback. I would expect that if I select a menu choice called “Run All” to execute my tests that I'd, well, run all of my tests. Instead, in wcfstorm-lite, that choice brings up a test runner dialog where you can run ...
If you have tried everything and the problem persists, can you provide us with detailed steps to reproduce the problem (it would be great if you could provide a standalone reproduction project) and a sample url/wsdl to be added by the tool, we will try our best to ...