WEBM/4/COMM_FAIL: Ip:[ip-address] user:[user-name] comm failed:[command]. Description Failed to obtain specific parameter values on the web UI. Parameters Parameter NameParameter Meaning ip-address IP address. user-name User name. command Command used to obtain parameter values. Possibl...
电话 康张路/S220(路口)电话: 暂无信息 地址 通讯地址: 北京市延庆区 查看地图 搜索周边 到达这里 从这出发 康张路/S220(路口)公交站: 二八七医院、二八七医院、刁营、刁营、康庄镇政府、康庄镇政府 附近的公交车: 876路支、Y21路、876路、Y04路、Y20路 打车去康张路/S220(路口)多少钱: 北京市出租车的...
Rolling - code based method for the unambiguous identification of the skin 2, of serial numbers in the case of a data communication between at least two users, each of which have an identical serial numbers set, whereby a first subscriber is an engine control unit in a motor vehicle, compri...