2020年6月,美国空军授予L3哈里斯公司一份总额约2.18亿美元的合同。根据合同规定,L3哈里斯公司要将空中国民警卫队装备的3架KC-135R加油机改装为WC-135R“不死凤凰”(Constant Phoenix)核嗅探侦察机。根据合同要求,KC-135R加油机的伸缩加油套管将被...
Aircraft: Boeing WC-135R Constant Phoenix Airline: United States - US Air Force (USAF) Serial #: 18769 Photo Location Kadena Air Base - RODN Japan Photographer Andrei Shmatko Photos | Profile | Contact Mason McCall 64-14829 575 4 0 Boeing WC-135R Constant Phoenix Aj Riccobono-par...
近期,从冲绳县的嘉手纳基地升空的美军WC-135R型核侦察机穿越了中国东海的防空识别区,沿中国的东海海岸进行了高度关注的抵近侦查行动。此次行动的最近距离逼近了距离连云港附近的领海基点,短短21海里的距离,引发了国际间对中美紧张关系的新一轮关注。这种被称为“Constant Phoenix”的侦察机,是美国的核武器试验检测...
Aircraft Reg: 64-14831 photos Aircraft: Boeing WC-135R Constant Phoenix Airline: United States - US Air Force (USAF) Serial #: 18771 Photo Location Fairfield Travis Air Force Base - KSUU USA - California Photographer Roy Huang Photos | Profile | Contact ...
THE 45TH Reconnaissance Squadron (RS) - a component of the USAF's 55th Wing - received its third and final WC-135R Constant Phoenix(64-14829/OF) when the aircraft touched down at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska on December 4, writes Tom Kaminski. The arrival of this newly converted ...
【据thedrive网站2022年6月30日报道】近日,美国空军首架WC-135R“不死凤凰”(Constant Phoenix)核嗅探侦察机在德克萨斯州格林维尔完成了飞行测试,该机由序号为64-14836的KC-135R加油机改装而来,其机身1964年制造。该机计划于7月正式交付美国空军。 WC-135R将执行包括收集空气样本进行核探测等任务,可用于检测核武器...