默认为 “shop_order”。 复制$args=['status'=>'completed','limit'=>-1,'type'=>'shop_order'];$order=wc_get_orders($args);// 获取订单 ID 和 Key$order->get_id();$order->get_order_key();// 获取订单金额$order->get_formatted_order_total();$order->get_cart_tax();$order->get_... PropID = 0x00000025 (CR_PROP_CAFORWARDCROSSCERTSTATE) "CA Forward Cross Certificate State" PropID = 0x00000026 (CR_PROP_CABACKWARDCROSSCERTSTATE) "CA Backward Cross Certificate State" PropID = 0x00000027 (CR_PROP_CACERTVERSION) "... PropID = 0x00000025 (CR_PROP_CAFORWARDCROSSCERTSTATE) "CA Forward Cross Certificate State" PropID = 0x00000026 (CR_PROP_CABACKWARDCROSSCERTSTATE) "CA Backward Cross Certificate State" PropID = 0x00000027 (CR_PROP_CACERTVERSION)...
$order->get_coupon_codes(); Getters $order->get_type(); $order->get_currency(); $order->get_version(); // Gets the order number for display (by default, order ID). $order->get_order_number(); // e.g. wc_order_48atSN91iwA8C $order->get_order_key(); $order->get_customer... PropID = 0x00000025 (CR_PROP_CAFORWARDCROSSCERTSTATE) "CA Forward Cross Certificate State" PropID = 0x00000026 (CR_PROP_CABACKWARDCROSSCERTSTATE) "CA Backward Cross Certificate State" PropID = 0x00000027 (CR_PROP_CACERTVERSION)...
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A customizable, open-source ecommerce platform built on WordPress. Build any commerce solution you can imagine. - woocommerce/includes/class-wc-checkout.php at 4.9.2 · woocommerce/woocommerce
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Internet companies, and local television and radio stations tend to have a greater portion of office workers and sales people. As most of their work comp class codes would be at lower than average rates, their cost of work comp coverage would be below the average for all businesses. ...
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