【结论】如果项目或WBS存在非8001*的费用,则结算到资产会报错 2.2 WBS实际成本明细-CJI3 T-CODE: CJI3 存在非8001*的费用
TCODE:CNMASSCREATE 5.开发创建项目 通过开发实现项目及WBS的自动创建。如: (1)销售订单派生WBS项目创建:销售订单挂接WBS号,当销售订单创建保存后,根据规则自动生成WBS号,并自动创建项目,搭建项目结构; (2)其他系统下推项目,系统直接创建WBS:如投资系统中,创建项目时生成项目编码(项目定义),同时配置相应的公司代码...
SAP_WBS元素维护用户操作手册.doc,SAP Manual –Debit Memo Processing (SD) 第 PAGE 3页,共 NUMPAGES 5页 SAP MANUAL # ASK DokTitel Dokumententitel APO SAP OPERATION MANUAL FOR END USER SAP 最终用户系统操作手册 Debit Memo Processing T-code: MDL1 创建Debit Mem
(1).预算功能:可使用ERP的内部订单(或PS项目模块)监控企业包括支出预算结算等投资活动,预算功能也常用于粗略地控制部门的一般管理费用,用户可以方便地增加减少预算额度,如果采用跨年度预算,系统可以方便地将当年预算余额结转到下年(预算结转-)Tcode:KOCO,承诺结转->Tcode:KOCF)。 (2).计划功能:内部订单的费用成本...
Enter T Code OPO1. Option to Create/Change/Display planning layouts appears. Double click on Create PS Planning Cost Element/Activity Input Layouts to create one. Copy the Planning layout 1-701 and mention the planning layout 'SDNWBS' and click on Create. ...
We do not want to define the WBS code masks in schedule. What we need is to create or update schedule on some event where tasks hierachy is fetched from SAP database. The WBS element of...
save_okLIKEsy-ucomm,"OK-Codeg_maxTYPEi VALUE255.DATA: gt_fcatTYPElvc_t_fcat, gs_fcatTYPElvc_s_fcat.*---**CLASS lcl_tree_event_receiver DEFINITION*---** *---
But now i can't execute the these report s_alr_87013558 & S_alr_87013560. " No costs, revenues or finances were selected " Regards, Sanju M S Makal Active Contributor 2012 Oct 17 0 Kudos Sanju, Looks like, without reading SAP help/ training yourself, you are trying to configure...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi , I have Added one custom field using screen exit CNEX0007 in CJ20N T-code. Now i nedd to change / update this custom field using Mass change option (CNMASS). While doing mass change of WBS element through tcode CNMASS , changes for custom fi...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development It is coming from Input file.I tried using the change FMs also but couldn't arrive at the solution.I have used lot of FMs that i found on SDN for WBS create/Change but couldn't update the custom fields.I really don't understand ho it is not upda...