Feb 11, 2025 in News LSU women's basketball back in Top-5 of AP Poll BATON ROUGE - The LSU women's basketball team is back inside the Top-5 of the AP Poll. The 25-1... More >> Share: Feb 10, 2025 in Sports University High, St. Joseph's advance to state soccer semif...
The latest news from Baton Rouge and surrounding parishes in Southeastern Louisiana covering local, state and national events.
WBRZ News 2 is an ABC affiliate and Baton Rouge's only locally owned and operated television news source for more than 50 years. WBRZ provides coverage of local news, sports and community issues.
The easily navigated interface allows you to surf WBRZ.com with the touch of a button – all in the palm of your hand. Our application is the only news application to provide you with our weather forecast maps as you see them on the air. ...
The syndicated game show Wheel of Fortune is coming to New Orleans in August and WBRZ, Channel 2, is giving 25 people a chance to audition for the shows being taped. To enter in the random drawing, go to http:// www.2theadvocate.com and register on the form provided.Education...
[湖北新闻]华中地区规模最大!黄石高端电解铜箔项目正式投产来源: 央视网 2024年04月13日 10:43 内容简介 黄石高端电解铜箔项目 新闻栏目推荐 新闻联播 焦点访谈 新闻直播间 新闻1+1 朝闻天下 CCTV-1综合 CCTV-2财经 CCTV-3综艺 CCTV-4中文国际 CCTV-5体育 CCTV-5+体育赛事 CCTV-6电影 CCTV-7国防...
AD8418是一款高压、高分辨率分流放大器。设定初始增益为20 V/V,在整个温度范围内的最大增益误差为±0.15%。缓冲输出电压可以直接与任何典型转换器连接。AD8418在输入共模电压处于−2 V至+70 V范围时,具有出色的输入共模抑制性能;它能够在分流电阻上进行双向电流的测量,适合各种汽车和工业应用,包括电机控制、电池管...
5月27日,香港各界人士表示,坚定支持立法会表决通过《2021年完善选举制度(综合修订)条例草案》。 全国政协常委,香港福建社团联会荣誉主席吴良好表示,完善选举制度的本地立法顺利通过,是依法治港、拨乱反正的又一重大制度成果,标志着中央重大决策在香港全面落地,香港将进入全面落实“爱国者治港”的“一国两制”实践新阶...
记者2日探访昔日被列入中国五大“鬼城”之一的云南昆明呈贡新城,曾经高楼林立却人烟稀少的呈贡新城,如今每平方米房价涨破万元,城区内“人气”十足。 今年62岁的吴忠根是昆明人,他的儿子大学毕业后进入呈贡一家企业工作,“儿子工作稳定准备结婚,我们想为他在呈贡购置一套100平方米左右的房子。”吴忠根告诉记者。