(如果你下载的是rar文件,要解压,解压后会出现后缀为ios的压缩包),打开wii backup manager点击"Files",点击添加,把你刚才解压后的ios文件发送进去,然后点传输,点击"WBFS文件"再次选择你刚刚解压的ios文件,它会自动转换成WBFS文件(WBFS是你wii硬盘里游戏的格式)然后点击”磁盘1“点击Inactive,拉...
click "Open" button to select a *. wbfs file, then click "Select" button to select an output folder, and finally, click "Convert" button to start conversion, software will generate the *.iso files you want, that is all. The default output ISO format is Wii game ISO, you can change...
Backup your Wii games The main feature of WBFS is inbacking up and archivingWBFS files. Short forWii Backup File System, it corresponds to disk images or virtual copies of a game cartridge for the already-discontinued gaming console. The file type is oftenconverted from ISO filesof the origin...
可以直接复制,不过明明必须有规律。A: The files have to be copied to the \wbfs folder on the FAT/NTFS partition.These filename layouts are supported:D:\wbfs\GAMEID.wbfs D:\wbfs\Title [GAMEID].wbfs D:\wbfs\Title [GAMEID]\GAMEID.wbfs D:\wbfs\GAMEID_Title\GAMEID.wbfs Same...
WBFSManager free download. Get the latest version now. It's used to convert the ISO files to WBFS files for USB games for Nintendo Wii.
ISO to WBFS is a free game file converter, it can convert ISO disc image files to WBFS format files. If you are a Wii games user, it would be a very effective tool for you. This game utility is easy to use very much, you can complete file conversion with a few mouse clicks. Just...
其中,WiiCCD是Wii Code/Cover/Data 的简称,主要用来做游戏数据(如游戏数据库、中文Titles、金手指、封面图片)的管理、查询、导入导出、转换等。可以在线升级更新中文Titles、封面数据库、金手指数据库等。 Wbfs Master 则是在CFG-Loader作者oggzee的wbfs_file.exe命令行基础上实现了强大的图形界面,方便易用,更扩充了...
4、在Wii端开启FTPii,开启FTP后,请在WiiCCD的“网络配置”选项中配置连接信息,如果网络通畅,程序自动连接sd卡根目录下“codes”文件夹(sd:\\codes),并以此为工作目录进行GCT文件上传、[url= target=_blank]下载[/url]。 上传到Wii后,在USB-Loader中开启金手指即可使用。 PS: 1、多使用鼠标右键。 很多地方都...