Organizers say they are learning by watching how the shoreline responds over timeA shoreline protection project along the Hillsborough River in Charlottetown is giving property owners and watershed groups a better understanding of nature-based ways to deal with ...
In all, the ASF says some 103,900 large salmon -- fish who've spent at least two winters in the open ocean -- returned to freshwater last year, the third-lowest in 49 years. More grilse -- fish who've only spent one winter at sea -- returned in 2019, around 33...
The plant was introduced to the U.S. in the 1960s as a sterile hybird, but has begun to cross pollinate.
She adds that people who suffer from eco-anxiety usually go into a fight or flight mentality. Those that choose flight become immobilized, which can lead to greater depression. Those that choose to fight on the other hand can start to really make a differ...