文件完整性配置 Wazuh 文件完整性监控 (FIM) 系统监视选定的文件并在这些文件被修改时触发警报。负责此任务的组件称为syscheck。此组件存储文件或 Windows 注册表项的加密校验和和其他属性,并定期将它们与系统正在使用的当前文件进行比较,以观察更改。 配置 syscheck - 基
Note:You can use thecentralized configurationto distribute this setting across multiple monitored endpoints. However, remote commands are disabled by default for security reasons and have to be explicitly enabled on each agent. 2. Restart the Wazuh agent to apply this change: >NET START Wazuh Wazuh...
17763.475, time stamp: 0xba51b082 Exception code: 0xc0000005 Fault offset: 0x0008ac4c Faulting process id: 0x12ac Faulting application start time: 0x01d89acd38747ac0 Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\ossec-agent\wazuh-agent.exe Faulting module path: C:\Windows\System32\msvcr...
Connect to the Wazuh dashboard, navigate toTools,and selectAPI Console. On the console, run the queries below to create the agent groupsWindows,macOS, andLinux: POST /groups {"group_id":"Windows"} POST /groups {"group_id":"macOS"} POST /groups {"group_id":"Linux"} You can also use...
Hello team, The Wazuh agent presents some errors during the installation on a Windows 11 Sandbox: <-- Second Query = {Select * from Win32_Service where Name = 'WazuhSvc'} SVC typeName: SWbemObjectSet --> Iterating over query results Obje...
(第二步)修改windows分组的检测策略 内容为 代码语言:shell 复制 <agent\_config><client\_buffer><!-- Agent buffer options --><disabled>no</disabled><queue\_size>5000</queue\_size><events\_per\_second>500</events\_per\_second></client\_buffer><!-- Policy monitoring --><rootcheck><disab...
Agent Added Added timeouts to external and Cloud integrations to prevent indefinite waiting for a response. (#20638) Fixed The host_deny Active response now checks the IP parameter format. (#20656) Fixed a bug in the Windows agent that might lead it to crash when gathering forwarded Windows ...
安装Wazuh代理的第一步是将Wazuh存储库添加到您的系统。或者,如果您想直接下载wazuh-agent软件包,或查看兼容版本,可以从这里开始。根据您的发行版运行以下命令来设置更新源: CentOS 6 / RHEL 6,CentOS 7 / RHEL 7,Fedora 22或更高版本以及Amazon Linux ...
Sets the frequency in seconds with which the Windows agent checks that the Local Audit Policies and the SACLs of the directories monitored in whodata mode are correct. Default value 300 seconds Allowed values Any number from 1 to 9999
这样就可以根据不同的服务器类型下发不同的文件监控策略,比如:A类服务器比较重要的文件夹是/a/a/,B类服务器重要文件在/b/b,可以根据不同的服务来进行分组来实现这个分类监控的问题,也可以两个都同时监控,因为wazuh-agent是支持多个组的。 打开配置文件后,找到下面的配置标签<syscheck>,<directories>里面可以配置...