2.2. apt-get安装 # apt-getinstall curl apt-transport-https lsb-release #安装必要包 # curl-s https://packages.wazuh.com/key/GPG-KEY-WAZUH | apt-key add - #安装Wazuh存储库GPG密钥#echo"deb https://packages.wazuh.com/3.x/apt/ stable main"| tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wazuh.list #...
server.ssl.key: /etc/kibana/certs/kibana.key # Elasticsearch authentication ❹ xpack.security.enabled: true elasticsearch.username: elastic server.defaultRoute: /app/wazuh 配置说明 ❶ 配置elasticsearch的服务器IP ❷ 配置kibana用于连接elasticsearch服务器的证书文件路径 ❸ 配置浏览器访问kibana的证书路...
--Custom external Integration --><integration><name>custom-integration</name><hook_url>WEBHOOK</hook_url><level>10</level><group>multiple_drops|authentication_failures</group><api_key>APIKEY</api_key><!-- Replace with your external service API key --><alert_format>json</alert_format></in...
// Create key request thread w_create_thread(w_key_request_thread, NULL); /* Create wait_for_msgs threads */ { int i; sender_pool = getDefine_Int("remoted", "sender_pool", 1, 64); mdebug2("Creating %d sender threads.", sender_pool); for (i = 0; i < sender_pool; i++)...
4. Create the certificate signing request (csr) and the server private key: # openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /var/ossec/integrations/kubernetes-webhook/server.key -out /var/ossec/integrations/kubernetes-webhook/server.csr -config /var/ossec/integrations/kubernetes-webhook/csr...
[13].Key=sr OsInfo[13].Value=0 OsInfo[14].Key=tmsi OsInfo[14].Value=222284781 OsInfo[15].Key=osinsty OsInfo[15].Value=1 OsInfo[16].Key=iever OsInfo[16].Value=11.789.19041.0-11.0.1000 OsInfo[17].Key=portos OsInfo[17].Value=0 OsInfo[18].Key=ram OsInfo[18].Value=7926 ...
Create a Filebeat keystore to securely store authentication credentials. # filebeat keystore create Add the username and password admin:admin to the secrets keystore. # echo admin | filebeat keystore add username --stdin --force # echo admin | filebeat keystore add password --stdin --force...
"""Check that `access_log` obtains the authentication context hash from the JWT token.""" response = MagicMock() response.status_code = 200 user = 'wazuh' hash_auth_context = '5a5e646ea0bc6e3653cfc593d62b16f7' sec_header = ('bearer', {'sub': user, 'hash_auth_context': hash_auth...
<api_key>API_KEY</api_key> <!-- Replace with your PagerDuty API key --> </integration> 如下面的截图所示,警报开始进入仪表板: 4、VirusTotal 3.0.0版本中新增。 这种集成允许使用VirusTotal数据库检查恶意文件。在VirusTotal集成页面可以找到更多关于此的信息。
$ sudo apt-get update3. Install the MongoDB package:$ sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-enterprise4. Enable the authentication and audit log. To keep track of authorized users that perform actions in the database. To set this up, configure the /etc/mongod.conf file as seen in the ...