4月7日消息,据国外媒体报道,印度加密货币交易所WazirX宣布已经为印度艺术家和创作者建立了一个非同质化代币(NFT)交易市场。WazirX创始人Nischal Shetty这是印度第一个NFT市场,目前印度艺术家可以将其数字资产(包括艺术品,音频文件,视频甚至推文)放置在基于区块链的NFT市场上进行拍卖,以赚取版税。他说: “我...
4月7日消息,据国外媒体报道,印度加密货币交易所WazirX宣布已经为印度艺术家和创作者建立了一个非同质化代币(NFT)交易市场。 WazirX创始人Nischal Shetty这是印度第一个NFT市场,目前印度艺术家可以将其数字资产(包括艺术品,音频文件,视频甚至推文)放置在基于区块链的NFT市场上进行拍卖,以赚取版税。他说: “我们很高兴...
Mint Blockchain 旨在用 NFT 链接全球消费者,构建专注于 NFT 发行、交易、结算的去中心化网络。。 03月04日18:45:24 Gate.io开启GPS合约交易挑战活动,参与即可瓜分30,000USDT奖励 据官方公告,Gate.io 将于 3 月 4 日 19:00 - 3 月 11 日 19:00 (UTC+8)期间开启 GoPlus (GPS)合约交易挑战赛活动,...
【印度加密货币交易所WazirX旗下WazirX NFT交易市场宣布关闭】金色财经报道,印度加密货币交易所WazirX旗下NFT交易平台WazirX NFT宣布关闭。 此前2月3日消息,Binance停止为WazirX提供钱包和相关技术服务。...
Get More Details about"WazirX NFT Marketplace Clone Script" WazirX Clone - Start A Cryptocurrency Exchange Like WazirX To begin your own crypto exchange like WazirX, you need a WazirX clone script which has every one of the highlights like WazirX. ...
2月22日消息,NFT 市场 Zora 发推表示已推出帖文代币功能,每篇帖文对应一个代币,供应量为 10 亿枚,创作者在发布时自动获得 1000 万枚代币,创作者可从每笔交易中赚取 1%。代币仅供娱乐,并已在网络和移动测试版上线。。 02月22日13:52:03 盲计算网络Nillion:主网已推迟至3月上线 2月22日消息,盲计算网络 ...
White Label Exchange Clone DEX NFT Marketplace Wallet Payment Gateway Token Contact Us WazirX Clone Script Develop a first-class cryptocurrency exchange like WazirX with our customizable WazirX Clone Script. Easy-to-handle crypto exchange script Our Script is designed & developed with well-experienced ...
The token has no other use; however, with the release of its own NFT platform, SHIB might gain some importance for the creators of the NFT platform. WazirX Review 2021 | Is it safe and Legal? [Read This First] How to buy Bitcoin on WazirX 2021? [ Also works on Mobile ] How to ...
5. What are the costs associated with using the clone script? Costs vary depending on features, customization, and the development company chosen. It is generally cheaper than building an exchange from scratch. To know more you can check with the bsetec team who can assist you with your effo...