In the end, you save time commuting, but most people waste a little more time, so you spend nearly as much time working as if you just went to work. 最后,你可以节省通勤时间,但大多数人又会浪费一点时间,所以花在工作上的时间几乎和你去上班的时候一样多。 Can you see how this answer uses...
Everybody’s had dates squeezed into some inconvenient time, where you had to rush to get there, maybe had to rush to leave the date later… and then if it’s ANYTHING OTHER THAN the most amazing date of your life, it ends up feeling like a huge waste of your time. Look, here’s...
This might seem counterintuitive, but people who have more time often give it away through helping others. A study that compared the opportunities to waste time, spend time on oneself, or spend a gift of time found that giving time selflessly actually increased people’s perception of time. 这...
56. “Death is a challenge. It tells us not to waste time. It tells us to tell each other right now that we love each other.”– Leo Buscaglia 57. “We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.”— Chuck Palahniuk 58. “I am prepare...
And these days, we spend more time on psychological self-defence rather than physical. But the end result is the same: a giant waste of energy. The main way we defend ourselves psychologically is through the construction of false identities. And you might be thinking, “I don’t have any...
If you are one of those people who can afford to have two computers, it is always great to have a separate work computer. That second computer should not have any apps or steams where you waste most of your time. Moreover, if you use the same google account everywhere, have a separat...
“Remember that time is money.”– Benjamin Franklin Although I agree with Benjamin Franklin about time being money, it is a universal fact that most of us procrastinate on most of our tasks. While it may seem pleasant at first when we put off a potentially unpleasant task, procrastination ...
While Bold, Italics, Underline may be more recognizable for the short term than Bold and Italics alone, it's still a bad thing to waste screen real estate on the minibar for them.At some point we're simply deferring pain. Often it's best to make the change now, eat the cost and ...
A unifying PM is what we need , Rebooting the economy Free Malaysia of racism, corruption and religious bigotry, ‘Time to chart a new future’ – says PM Forex losses by Bank Negara Malaysia, Facts were concealed; Mahathir, Anwar and Nor Mohamed implicated: RCI ...
We can also recycle (回收) newspapers, glass, and cans (易拉罐) to make new things.可知结合选项,应说例如,我们可以重复使用纸和塑料袋.我们还可以回收报纸、玻璃和易拉罐来制造新东西.for example例如.故选B.(2)C 考查动词.A生产;B保护;C减少;D污染.由There are many ways for us to reduce waste...