To have one's abode; dwell; reside: To continue in a particular condition, attitude, relationship, etc.; last. (used with object): to put up with; tolerate; stand: abject Extremely humiliated or debased; the bottom of the barrel. ablution A ritual cleansing. abnegate To deny oneself ...
Another routine way to build community for class participation is by incorporatingFlocabularyhip-hop videos to reflect student interest and identity during instruction. Flocabulary is a great way to introduce a new topic and teach vocabulary. You can leverage the supporting activities, like Vocab Cards...
oh, you know, I want my students to have that, even though I teach computers, science, beautiful words are are majestic and they make the world a better place. So we could talk about this forever, but we need to talk about the common mistakes schools make when teaching reading...
or giving the students a chance to independently explore the website, Flocabulary helps students feel connected to the content while also igniting conversations to help the class get to know each other. Let’s look at three ways that Flocabulary can play a part in your back to...
Hawaii celebrates its 40th anniversary of statehood on August 21! Take a tour of this exotic state, examine its wildlife, creep to the volcano's edge, and discover the wealth of culture and diversity that isolation can bring. Aloha!
Writing will improve your vocabulary and grammar, help you become a better reader and teach you to express yourself clearly in English. So say goodbye to boring English writing assignments, because here are 16 fun ways to practice writing in English. Note: Many of these will take less than...
Co-assessing (in all of its forms) is the focus of this post, and I want to highlight many of the key ideas thatAllyson Caudill, NBCT and co-founder of@ReadySetCoteach, shared during a recent conversation with me. Co-formatting the assessment ...
Opinion writing can be a tricky topic, but it’s more important than ever to teach students how to back up their opinions with reliable evidence. Newsela’s PRO/CON articles are a great way to help students debate a topic and find the evidence they need when writing their opinion pieces....
a while back aboutwriting resources, I thought a post about things to consider when running a workshop for beginner coders might be handy too. This post is primarily aimed at those lovely people who have no training in education but who give up their time to teach other people how to ...
How to teach ellipsis and substitution As with a lot of things, the first step is to raise awareness of its existence. This is something which is often dealt with in ‘advanced’ level materials. This is fair enough in terms of getting students to produce natural sounding language but this...