The key to a successful email opener ispersonalizationandrelevance. Tailoring your greeting to the recipient’s interests and needs will significantly increase the likelihood of a positive response. Here are ten effective ways to start your email: 1. Use the Recipient’s Name If you’re sending ...
Just as the most savage emails abruptly start with no greeting, the most savage emails abruptly end with no sign-off. Closing with your name alone doesn’t appear to be much better, making our list in second place. The cool but polite “thanks in advance” came in third, maybe because ...
“Just checking in” is a common phrase used to start an email or other message that follows up on a previous email or conversation. You will generally see it as the opening line of an email that asks for an update or inquires about the status of a project, issue, or other work-relat...
“Nice to meet you.” After all, you’re not exactly shaking hands and making eye contact. That’s why you’ll often see colleagues or clients using “Nice to e-meet you” or “Nice to virtually meet you.” Although it’s a polite and friendly greeting, acknowledging that the ...
Starting off an email with the right words is important. It sets the tone for the whole message. “I hope you’re having a great day” is a common way to do this, but sometimes you might want to say it differently. This article lists 10 other phrases you can use to start your prof...
Professional ways to greet someone in an email sent in the afternoon Professional ways to greet someone in person or over the phone during the afternoon When to use “Good afternoon” “Good afternoon” is typically used as a greeting during the afternoon hours, typically between 12:00 PM and...
You don’t know when to “call it.” Before you start dashing off your missive, stop for a few seconds. Are you writing something emotional or complicated? Is this a topic that is likely to get heated? Then an email message probably isn’t the best way to communicate it, says writer...
It means you wish someone is okay. It is usually used to start emails and as an introduction/greeting. What to say instead of Hope you are doing well? You can say: I hope this email finds you well, Hope all is well, How are you?, Hope you are having a great day!, Hope you ar...
Instead of an email greeting the recipient with plain facts and figures, interactive storytelling invites them to participate and have fun while learning more. Starting with a CTA in the message body, you can lead users down the route of their choice to different web pages that cater to their...
It would be great to reach out to your customers before they do. For this, you can set upgreeting messagesthat welcome them on your website and encourage them to engage with your brand with a personalized message. Make sure you set them on pages that are most likely to increase conversion...