Scratchy, painful, phlegmy and irritating: Nobody likes having a sore throat. Fortunately, with a little self-care, most cases of sore throat, also known as pharyngitis, tend to go away on their own. Common viruses are usually the culprit. Consider a mild sore throat as an opportunity to...
Gargle with salt water.It’s a good way to soothe a sore throat. Several studies have found that gargling several times a day with warm saltwater can reduce swelling in the throat and loosen mucus, helping to flush out irritants or bacteria. Stir one-quarter to one-half teaspoon of salt ...
Gargle with salt water.It’s a good way to soothe a throbbing throat. The salt water eases swelling and loosens mucus. Stir one-quarter to one-half teaspoon of salt into a cup of warm water until it’s dissolved, and gargle a few times a day. Sip a hot beverage.It’s comforting t...
Just as you might gargle with saltwater to help a sore throat, you can do a saltwater rinse to help your burnt tongue. Salt has antiseptic properties and will help relieve some of the pain. Add 1/8 teaspoon of salt to a cup of cool water and swish around in your mouth gently for 30...
Cough suppressants.You can get relief from coughing by using some cough medicines. However, you can opt to use honey and lemon to soothe your throat and reduce coughing. Just take care not to mix up different kinds of medicines to minimize side effects experience. Take medication for the mos...
You can soothe your throat by drinking the mixture of turmeric and milk. Simply boil a cup of milk and add a teaspoon of turmeric to it. Mix well and drink it before bedtime to enjoy its benefits. 4. Make Use of a Humidifier
22 Natural Sore Throat Remedies to Help Soothe the Pain 12 Ways to Get Rid of Gas & Bloating 10 Common Remedies to Get Rid of Warts We Want to Hear from You!Let us know which remedies work and do not work for you, ask a question or leave a comment: ...
22 Natural Sore Throat Remedies to Help Soothe the Pain 14 Home Remedies for Arthritis & Joint Pain Plant a Seed We Want to Hear from You!Let us know which remedies work and do not work for you, ask a question or leave a comment:...
To have one's abode; dwell; reside: To continue in a particular condition, attitude, relationship, etc.; last. (used with object): to put up with; tolerate; stand: abject Extremely humiliated or debased; the bottom of the barrel. ablution A ritual cleansing. abnegate To deny oneself ...
Drink the tea for its antioxidants, totreat sore throats, and to soothe an upset stomach. Let it cool and it can be used topically as a compress for flesh wounds and rashes. 9. Blackberry Root Tincture Like the leaves,blackberry rootshave a long history of use as a treatment for dysen...