Parents should not only be introducing God to their children, but they also need to show their kids how big and alive God is and how He lovingly works in their lives.Pexel/Tima Miroshnichenko It is not enough for parents to just introduce God to their kids and have them discover...
He and Sam eventually flipped to a page with a large picture of an Iranian man dressed in his country's traditional garb. The man was praying intently. His eyes were closed, and his arms stretched out in front of him, palms up.LaReau, Renee M...
It can be easy for us to schedule our day away if we are not careful. I have found that when I set aside time with my family to have a time where we connect with God and each other, I notice a difference in not only how my kids behave, but in how I relate to my fam...
“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern ...
church and school, but lately, I’ve been searching for additionalvolunteer opportunities for kids. I think we have come to a part in our lives where we must not WAIT for convenient requests to come our way and, instead, proactively search for how we can better serve our comm...
Isn’t it incredible that our God, who made the universe, wants – no, make that insists – upon a personal relationship with each of us. But He doesn’t take a distant, unapproachable, sterile approach of demanding we serve Him. He woos us as a lover! His goal is for us to love...
If you want to prepare your child for success, then stress the importance of integrity, humility, self-discipline, and willingness to stand alone. Model servant-leadership, andchallenge them to follow Christ’s example, who came not to be served, but to serve. Encourage them to take initiativ...
We have to have a vision. This is the slow growth work of building alternative ways that are more democratic. It includes grounding and healing work, rich cultural work, alternative ways of growing food and caring for kids, participatory budgeting or seeding constitutional conventions to build a...
And most importantly, they’ve learned how to serve others by helping me decorate, prepare food andplan games and activities. And this has given our children a happier home! God’s word is being read on a daily basis. I am amazed when I see the “One Minute Bible for Women.” ...
If you believe in God, it is reassuring to think of your sibling as an angel in God’s hands. 28. “Remembering my sibling, who was my protector, my hero.” Our older siblings teach and protect us. We look up to them as kids and even as adults. This quote lets the world know...