Looking Bad 1 Make your resting face a scowl. Practice this in the mirror: furl your eyebrows into a scrunched up scowl, as if you were concentrating really hard. Turn your nose up like something smells terrible. And frown. Turn your smile upside down, like you had two fishhooks hanging...
If you want to give your dog something to chew on for awhile we loveBest Bully SticksandBenebones. Just be sure to opt for odor free bully sticks if you’re sensitive to smells. 16. Master the Basics of Obedience Training Does your dog know all of the basic obedience commands? Does h...
fires, or damage to your home’s electrical infrastructure. If you need the required acquaintance, it is advisable to consult a professional. Electrical work should never be taken lightly,
And you don’t have to “add” anything to your life—try reframing instead. Notice how often you say “I have to…” and try shifting it to “I get to…”: “I have to go grocery shopping” becomes “I get to choose fresh food for my meals” “I have to attend this meeting”...
Do they think that your house smells weird, or amazing? Forget the cover-up scents that just lay something cloyingly sweet over a nasty musk. If you want to get your home to that hotel-worthy level of clean – you need to put in some elbow grease. ...
cleaning schedule, bathrooms can be full of tight corners that aren’t always on your list to clean. One of these spots is the lower part of your toilet. Prone to catching all kinds of drips and splashes (if you know, you know), over time this can become a culprit for bad smells. ...
Dogs aren’t just visual creatures – they learn a lot from all those interesting smells. Giving them the opportunity to sniff around adds a lot of great mental stimulation. Now I’m not suggesting you have to stop every time your dog wants to sniff something, but taking those kinds of ...
At any time of year, it’s best to eat mindfully. Eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full, and notice and appreciate how your food smells, tastes, and feels. Mindful eating can help you eat less while enjoying more. Eating mindfully is a good tip during the holiday season, ...
It is almost always still okay to consume the food for at least a couple more days. You may note a slight change in texture or that the food loses a bit of flavor, but unless it looks bad, smells bad or tastes off, it is generally fine to still eat. Read more: Food Expiration Da...
And if it smells interesting – which coffee grounds do – they *will* lick it. Even if your leftover grounds, dumped out in the wild, don’t outright poison any poor fuzzy li’l critter, have a heart for the other camper who might have to deal with a caffeinated bull moose (or ...