There are so many things you could say before you say goodbye. I always think it's good to combine "goodbye" with one of those phrases like that, so make sure you've written those down and you have them kind of saved in your memory somewhere.在你说再见之前你可以说很多话。我总觉得将...
I'd also like to say that unlike a lot of teachers, I'm not going to tell you to only use an English monolingual dictionary.我也想要说,我跟多数老师都不一样,我不会叫你只用英英字典。In my opinion, it doesn't really matter whether you use a monolingual or bilingual dictionary.在我看来...
Goodcan also act as an adjective or a noun. When we are using it to describe the quality of something, we are using it as an adjective. Whengooddescribes either prosperity or well-being (as in “the common good”) or a commodity (goods and services), it is being used as a noun. ...
Another method of communication you could use to send a farewell message to a colleague is to use email. In your email, you can thank your colleague for their service to the company and for any help they may have given you during their time at the company. An email is another good ...
In argument, we often say, well, there must be another way to look it. There’s always another way of looking at some situation, right?Right. There often is.Different people have different viewpoints, right?Right. But where “no two ways about it” is concerned, there isn’t. There is...
Again, this might look a little silly, but it's a very good tip.同样,这可能看起来有点傻,但这是一个很好的提示。Tip number three. Record yourself.提示三。记录自己。This might sound a little bit like tip number two, but I want you to only record the audio this time.这听起来可能有点...
Kickingtheseeighthabitscouldhelpyoulive20yearslonger, scientistssay.科学家说,戒掉这八个习惯可以帮助你多活 20 年。So, kickingthesehabitscanhelpyoulivelonger.所以,改掉这些习惯可以帮助你活得更久。Ahabitissomethingthatyoudoregularly.习惯是你经常做的事情。Sometimesagoodthing, likeexercise.有时候是好事,...
But it’s also an autopilot phrase—with autopilot responses (such as “fine,”“good,” or “OK”) within easy reach. So if you’re going for a deep or meaningful conversation, this question might not be the best option. The key is understanding when to use the ubiquitous phrase, and...
So, you learnhow to make a website for freethat you're proud of—now what? It’s time to share it with the world. After all, what good is your site if no one is around to see it? Website promotion doesn’t have to cost you a ton of money in order to reach your target aud...
When you are feeling unhappy or forget how great you are, these are six ways to make you feel good about yourself. ① Look at the mirror and say to yourself“I am a special person and there’s no one in the world like me. I can do anything!”It may not sound good, but it real...