I was angry, unhappy, and sick, and I knew I needed to change. I needed to develop a positive attitude. Immediately! Keep reading to discover the five ways I cultivated a positive attitude, that you can use too! 1. Express Gratitude What are you grateful It can be anything at all and...
【题目】Ways to Have a PositiveAttitude at WorkWhile at work, it can sometimesbe difficult to have a positiveattitude. But if you cansuccessfully keep a good attitudeat work, it can help you enjoyyour work more and developbetter relationships with thepeople around you. _1_Here ishow....
While at work, it can sometimes be difficult to have a positive attitude. But if you can successfully keep a good attitude at work, it can help you enjoy your work more and develop better relationships with the people around you. 1 Here is how. ...
When people think of having a positive attitude, they might think that means showing surface level signs of happiness, like putting a smile on one’s face or trying to think happy thoughts. But it’s more than that. A positive attitude is something that goes deeper and has an effect beyon...
Can you bring your positive attitude when you need it the most? Positive Beats Negative When things are going south, you need to turn your attitude around and head the other direction. But, how do you turn on your positive attitude when everything around you seems negative?
How to keep a positive attitude 1. Practice mindfulness “Mindfulness affords you the ability to be in the present moment. You’re less focused on the past which breeds depression and less focused on the future which breeds anxiety,” says Lin Sternlicht, LMHC, a therapist and co-founder of...
求翻译:ways to develop a positive attitude towards life是什么意思?待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 ways to develop a positive attitude towards life问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 如何制定一个积极的人生态度 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 如何培养一个积极的人生态度 匿名 2013-05-23 ...
While having a positive attitude doesn’t necessarily make you less stressed, it can equip you with the tools you need to cope with stress in a healthier way. Let’s take a look at the ways a positive attitude can manifest in your work and...
6 Sure Ways to Give Yourself a More Positive AttitudeRead the full-text online article and more details about "6 Sure Ways to Give Yourself a More Positive Attitude" - Daily Mail (London), April 13, 1998Daily Mail (London)
体裁:说明文 关键词:attitude词数;195+79 难度:★★★☆☆ 建议用时;8'│答案解析:P165 Do You Have a Positive Attitude? Who would you rather hang around with? Someone who always acts in low spirits, or someone who manages to see the good around him,even w