This phrase means “to look forward to” and carries a sense of hope and anticipation. e.g. 我期盼着与你再次见面。 (Wǒ qīpàn zhe yǔ nǐ zàicì jiànmiàn.) I am looking forward to seeing you again. 期盼春天的到来。 (Qīpàn chūntiān de dàolái.) Looking forward to the arriva...
Is It Professional to Say “I Look Forward to Meeting You”? Saying “I look forward to meeting you” is definitelyprofessional,formal, andpolite. This phrase is perfect for emails and letters when you haven’t met the person yet but plan to in the future. It shows that you’re excited...
If you’re looking for a different way to express the sentiment of “see you tomorrow” in a more suitable context, here are twelve professional alternatives. Each has its own tone and is suited to different situations. Looking forward to our meeting tomorrow I look forward to seeing you tom...
*To run errands = to make a short, quick trip to do something such as go to the post office, go grocery shopping, buy some milk, pick up the dry cleaning, etc. It was great to talk with you. I look forward to seeing you again soon (or talking with you again soon). Instead of...
This is a polite and formal way to say goodbye, especially in professional or customer service contexts. Au plaisir de vous revoir (Looking forward to seeing you again) You can use this polite goodbye in professional situations, like when leaving a networking event. Je vous dis à bientôt ...
Bye, it was nice seeing you! Casual Ways to Say Goodbye When you’re in a more casual situation, there are a whole other set of phrases and expressions you can use to say goodbye. You can use these with friends, coworkers you see often, family members and other acquaintances. Englis...
You heard 'I'm with you on that one.' 'I'm with you' is another way to say 'I agree with you.' It's slightly more conversational; you probably wouldn't use it in writing, and definitely not in formal writing. 你听到了“我同意你所说的”。“我同意你所说的”是说“我同意你”的...
I always say to my student, “Simple done right is better than complicated (复杂的) done wrong.” In other words, it’s better to keep things simple and do it well, rather than over-complicate everything and do it badly. So, in English writing exams, you want to show off your Engli...
It feels as if The Mandarin Blueprint Method is the perfect way for me. So thank you for this and for renewing my interest in Chinese. I’m looking forward to learning more and more. Best wishes from Germany! –Corinna btw, this gif was basically me last night, when the last video ...
As we’ve written about on Bplans previously, many people havea side hustleuntil they are able to go full time in the direction of their own business. Renting a room in your house using a popular site likeAirbnbis a great example. ...